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Newsletter 05.09.2013

Dear Parents,

Welcome back for a new school year. I hope you all had a good summer. It is lovely to see the children all excited and ready to learn.

The clubs run by the school, rather than PAS or Gymnastics, will start the week beginning 16th September. There should be a letter coming home tonight about what is on offer this year. There have been some changes.

On Tuesday 17th September we are holding our annual Parents Information Night at 6.30pm. The theme this year is Maths as the parent’s questionnaire alerted us to the fact that you would like more information about how Maths is taught. The Information Night is an opportunity to explore a theme and also to meet your child’s class teacher and find out a little more about what will be happening this year.

We will be starting Friday Toast again tomorrow. The children can bring in 20p and have a Friday treat of toast. The PTA organise a rota of lovely people who give up an hour to help make the toast. If you might be able to help please let us know, the rota is very short of volunteers.

The staff have reviewed our Relationships and Sex Education in the light of the latest guidance. Our policy is to use correct scientific terminology for body parts throughout the school. The children start to learn about changes that happen to their bodies as they grow older in Key Stage Two. Formal Sex Education happens in Year Six. If you have any questions about this do not hesitate to come in.

On Friday 13th September the PTA is having a welcome gathering after the family assembly which happens every Friday at 9ish. If you are new to the school or new to the PTA please come along, have coffee and cake and meet some other parents. If you are unable to come to this but would like to find out more about the PTA just let us know and we will put you in touch with a regular member.

In an effort to save you money we have arranged for Tesco to supply our logoed school uniform. There should be leaflets coming home today to explain how to go about ordering it. Please let us know what you think once you have used this service.

Can I remind you that Dinner Money went up to £1.95 a day £9.75 a week it should be sent in a named envelope at the start of the week. You can pay for dinners weekly, monthly or half termly. Cheques need to be made payable to DCC.

Attached should be the dates for this term, as ever these are correct today but may change!

The term dates for this year are:
Thursday 24th October Finish for half term Monday 4th November school restarts
Friday 20th December Finish for Christmas Monday 6th January school restarts
Friday 14th February Finish for half term Monday 24th February school restarts
Friday 11th April Finish for Easter Monday 28th April school restarts
Friday 23rd May Finish for half term Wednesday 4th June school restarts
Wednesday 23rd July Finish for summer Monday 8th September school restarts
There are two INSET days still to be allocated.

Yours Sincerely
Alice Littlehailes

Dates Autumn 2013
Monday 9th New Reception Start
Tuesday 10th Toddler Group Starts
Friday 13th PTA welcome meeting
Monday 16th Clubs start
Tuesday 17th Parents Information Night 6.30pm
Friday 20th Merlin’s Class Assembly 9am
Wednesday 25th Great Derbyshire Roast Dinner Day £1.95 for a school dinner
PTA AGM 7.30 at the Cricket Club
Thursday 26th Swimming Starts
European Day of Languages
Friday 27th McMillan Coffee Afternoon
Sunday 29th Glossop Jog
Monday 30th Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys trip
Monday 7th National Curry Day £1.95 for a school dinner
Friday 11th Eagle’s Class Assembly
PTA Quiz
Tuesday 15th Harvest Festival
Edale Parents Meeting
Governing Body Meeting
Thursday 17th Kestrel’s & Peregrine’s Class Assembly
Friday 18th House Challenge Assembly
PTA Disco
Tuesday 22nd Parents Evening 3.45-5.30
Wednesday 23rd Individual Photos
Thursday 24th Parents Evening 4.00-7.00
Finish for half term
Monday 4th School starts
Wednesday 6th Edale Residential Starts
Friday 8th Edale Residential Ends
Friday 15th Osprey’s Class Assembly
Monday 18th Anti-Bullying Week starts
Thursday 21st Harrier’s & Merlin’s School Trip
Friday 22nd Kite’s & Osprey’s School Trip
Year 4 Sleep Over
Friday 29th Kite’s Class Assembly
Thursday 5th Last Swim
Friday 6 Harrier’s Class Assembly
Christmas Fair
Tuesday 10th Christmas Production 5.30pm (Kestrels, Peregrines, Ospreys)
Wednesday 11th Christmas Production 2pm
Thursday 12th Christmas Production 5.30pm
Friday 13th Christmas Dinner
Tuesday 17th Kites & Harriers Party
Wednesday 18th Eagles & Merlins Party
Thursday 19th Kestrels, Peregrines & Ospreys Party
Friday 20th Carol Service
Finish for Christmas
Monday 6th School restarts

Newsletter 18.07.2013

Dear Parents,
It feels very strange to be writing the last newsletter of this school year, it doesn’t seem five minutes ago I was welcoming you all back from the summer. What a year it has been so many things learnt, experienced and, sometimes, survived. The children have been fantastic, hardworking, up for everything and a delight to be with. As the Year Sixes contemplate the move to Secondary School we all wish them well and look forward to hearing how well they have done.

This week has seen a flurry of baking and making and singing and spotting! In amongst all the end of term excitement some poor children have come down with chicken pox. I hope they all feel better soon. The older children’s production of Joseph has been a triumph playing to packed, hot, appreciative audiences. Thank you to everyone who has helped with this. Eagles Class went up to Glossopdale on Tuesday to join with other schools and sing. The sound they all made was fabulous. They also got to listen to Glossopdale choir and band to hear what they could be doing in the future. All the classes are still working hard and getting lots of things done.

It is non-uniform day tomorrow so children can come in casual clothes and bring a bottle. It is also the last toast Friday of the year.

Annual Reports should be coming home tomorrow so if you don’t get one do ask us.

Friday is the Year Sixes leavers party. They will be coming back to school for 5pm with their glad rags on.

Monday evening sees the PTA school summer disco 5-6.30pm.

On Tuesday the Year Six will lead an assembly to mark the end of their time with us. Tuesday is the last day of term, we finish at normal time.

The children start back on Wednesday 4th September (New Reception Monday 9th September). Dinner money for next term has gone up to £1.95 a day, £9.75 a week. The total for the half term is £72.15 (New Reception £66.30).

If you are still looking for the perfect summer activity I have been told about a few more. For budding film stars and film makers there is a movie project in Glossop 5th – 9th August for children 8-11 years old. Leaflets are in the entrance hall.

Glossop Pyegrove Tennis Club is offering a weeks course 5th – 9th August 10-11. If your child fancies being the next Andy Murray this is the one for them. Again leaflets are in the entrance hall.

Glossop Cricket Club are running a summer school 5th – 8th August 10-3, Y3 up.

Thank you all for the support you have given to the children, the school and the staff this year, it means a lot to all of us.

I hope you all have a lovely summer.
Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 11.07.2013

Dear Parents,

This week has seen lots of mini beasts in school. I have seen insect poems, insect maths, insect pictures and scientific exploration of insects. Speaking of which there have been a number of reports of headlice putting in an appearance. Please be extra vigilant and check your families heads.

The oldest children have been doing some wonderful presentations about being shipwrecked. The amount of work they have put in at home to make these the best they can be is a credit to them and you.

Sports Day on Tuesday was a great success. The children enjoyed it. I was particularly impressed by how supportive of each other the children were. They celebrated each other’s successes and encouraged everyone. Thank you to everyone who was there for helping with the clear up at the end.

Next week is our big Key Stage Two production of Joseph. The children have worked so hard on it and it is looking good. On the Tuesday and Thursday evenings please can the children in Kites, Eagles and Merlins be back at school for 5.30 to get changed. I need to let you know that any filming of the performances will not be allowed. Andrew Lloyd Webber’s company are very strict about licenses. There will be opportunities at the end to take photographs of the children in costume against the wonderful backdrop.

The children in Eagles are taking part in a singing event at Glossopdale School Hadfield Site on Tuesday next week. They are meeting at Hadfield Reception 9.15. They will be singing with other primary schools in the area.

If you have a child who enjoys singing, as most of our children do, and are looking for a summer activity there is a summer singing school at Tideswell (about half an hour away) Wednesday 24th – Friday 26th July 9.30-3.30. The cost of this is £35. More information is available from Derbyshire’s music service 01629 532850

Friday 19th is a non-uniform day. For the privilege of wearing their own, practical, clothes all we ask is that they bring something in a bottle.

The Year Six leavers do is on Friday 19th 5-6.30. I have not been told exactly what it will entail just that we all need to be wearing our glad rags.

Everyone will be able to celebrate the end of another successful school year on Monday 22nd July when the PTA have organised a disco. There will be one disco for all the children 5-6.30.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 04/07/2013

Dear Parents,
What a week this has been! Such excitement:
The children representing Ospreys went to Birmingham to the Thank You Film Awards. We didn’t win the top prize but we saw the whole class on the big screen and were one of the top 5 Primary School Films. The children were delightful and everyone we met was kind and helpful making the whole occasion memorable.
Saturday was the Summer Event which everyone who attended said was great. Even the sun put in an appearance. Thank you to the PTA for organising this fun family extravaganza.
Yesterday the children in Key Stage Two went to see Joseph at Stockport Plaza. Every child was enraptured. When I looked around at the children they were all grinning from ear to ear eyes fixed on the stage. They all showed real respect to the actors by not singing along until the right point. Three different groups of adults stopped us to say how well behaved our children were. Thank you to all of you as PTA members for paying for the transport to this event.

Next week is also shaping up to be a big one:
Friday 5th July Ospreys leading our assembly
Tuesday 9th July Sports Day. We are aiming to get started for about 1.30
Thursday 11th July Kestrels leading our assembly
Reserve Sports Day
Friday 12Th July INSET Day School Closed for the children.

It will be the last ICT, Film, Gardening and Key Stage One clubs next week.

The performances of Joseph are fast approaching if you have not yet sent in your ticket request letter please do so soon. We are not going to be able to allow any filming of the performances of Joseph as this requires a special license. As ever we will have lots of photo opportunities at the end of the performances.

There will be popcorn on sale this Friday 50p or £1 as there was some left at the end of Saturday.

If your child is considering taking up a musical instrument next year can I urge you to do it now. The rules about charges are changing for new musicians from September. At the moment the hire of the instrument is free but from September this will be charged for. If you would like further information about the music tuition available contact the school office.

I have been asked to let you know about two family learning courses available at the Glossop Adult Education Centre during the summer holidays. Bird Feeders and Bug Houses 9.30-12.30 for 2 Tuesdays starting on 25th July. Mosaics Tuesday 30th July 9.30-2.30. Both are free call 01457 852245 to book places.

We have just been informed that there will be an increase to the price of school meals from September. A child meal will cost £1.95 a day £9.75 a week.

Good luck to our rounders players who have a tournament on Friday.

Alice Littlehailes

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