
Newsletter 15/12/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you so much to all the parents and children who supported the choir on Sunday.  Despite coughs and sneezes and the cold it was a good concert.  I was very proud of the children.

I was also proud of the children in Peregrines and Ospreys who performed their play so well.  They spoke and sung up and filled in for each other like seasoned professionals.

Tomorrow Friday 16th Kestrels are leading our collective worship.  Their assembly will start as soon after 9 as we can manage.  Parents of the children are welcome.  I will text out a code word tomorrow morning to enable you to get in.

Thank you to the Central Methodist Church who are welcoming all the school across today and tomorrow for an immersive Christmas experience.

Next week is another busy week.

Monday – Choir singing at Tesco in the morning, Y3 & Y4 party in the afternoon.

Tuesday – Y5 & Y6 party

Wednesday – R, Y1 & Y2 party

Thursday – Carol Service 9.15ish in St Luke’s Church (you are welcome to join us).  Christmas Dinner and finish for Christmas.

Remember weather permitting the PTA are having a pop up stall in the playground at the end of the day next week.  The tea towels you ordered should also be available to be picked up then.

I have noticed that a number of children are wearing earrings for PE and saying they don’t know how to take them out.  Your child’s earrings need to be removed for PE for safety reasons.  If your child cannot take them out and put them back in please make sure they are removed before they come to school on PE days.

In January school reopens on Monday 9th.

Applications for Reception 2023 close on Sunday 15th January if you have a child born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019 you must apply for a school place by then.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 08/12/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Thank you so much to everyone who supported the PTA Christmas Fair.  We are so grateful to everyone who donated something, gave their time to set up be on a stall or clear up, came and made it a success.  Lots of people left saying how much they had enjoyed the event so thank you to everyone.

We are so proud of our Merlins class as all of them have achieved the National Curriculum standard in swimming already.  It is a real achievement to have been deemed to swim well enough to save your life in an emergency and so important in this area with all the water in reservoirs, rivers and canals around us.  As they are now all at least where they should be, many of them well beyond this, they will not be swimming in January.  The Eagles Class will start school swimming lessons then. Ospreys will continue swimming until Easter.

Friday 16th December the Kestrels will be leading our collective act of worship.  Their assembly will be just after 9am.  Parents are very welcome to come and join us for this.  On the morning of the 16th a code word will be texted out to the parents of children in Kestrels.  You will need this code word to get in.  If you are unable to attend and you are asking someone else like a grandparent to represent you, please make sure they know the code word but don’t share it widely.  You will not be able to film the assembly or take pictures please just enjoy the moment.

Remember school led after school clubs finish this week.  Information about the next set of clubs will be sent out in the new year.

If your child is in Key Stage 2 and would like to have fruit at morning break remember the deadline is 16th December.  Anyone signing up for fruit after that date may not be able to have it.

This Sunday the choir are singing at St Pauls’ Church Stalybridge at 4pm.  They are also singing as part of the Carols in the square in Norfolk Square at 6.30 on Wednesday 14th December.  Do come and see them.

On the last day of term Thursday 22nd December we are holding our carol service in church at about 9.15 (or as soon as we can get all the school across there).  You are very welcome to join us for this service.

The PTA tea towels will be available to be collected the week of 19th December. Weather permitting they are planning to hold pop up stalls that week where you can collect any tea towels ordered and buy any little bits and pieces.

There is a flyer attached to this newsletter from Santa!

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 01/12/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Tomorrow is the Christmas Fair Hooray!!!!  Thank you to everyone for sending in chocolate and gifts, books, wellies and woollies. It is shaping up to be a good one.  I look forward to seeing you all there.

The Y6s and Y2s have had their last swim today until 19th January.

Tomorrow Y3 are leading our Collective Worship.  The Assembly is first thing. I will send you the password tomorrow morning.  Y4s are leading our collective worship on Wednesday 7th December.

At 6.30 on Wednesday 14th December the choir are singing as part of the carols in the square.  I have attached a leaflet. Everyone is welcome at this event.

The children will all have parties Y3&4 on Monday 19th, Y5&6 on Tuesday 20th, R, Y1&2 on Wednesday 21st.  On the day of your child’s party they can come in party clothes or bring them to change into at lunchtime.

Some Reminders

On the last day on term 22nd December we are having our school Christmas Dinner.  This is a lovely occasion when the school eat together.  Almost all the children take part in this celebration.  If your child is not going to have a Christmas Dinner, please let the office know.  If we don’t hear from you we will assume your child will be having a school dinner that day.

On Tuesday 6th December a film company is coming into school to make a film about our arts provision because of our Platinum Artsmark.  The film is being made for The Mighty Creatives and will be used by them to promote Artsmark.  It will most likely appear on their You Tube feed.  Most of the footage of the children will be of them engaged in activities or in the background.  If you do not want your child to appear in this film please let us know.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 24/11/2022

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter


Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe but this Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent, the 4 Sundays before Christmas, when Christian churches start their preparation for the celebration of the birth of Christ.  There will be advent candles lit across the country and advent carols will start to be sung.  It is a very special time of year in the church calendar when Christians reflect on what God coming to earth means to them.  As a church school we will also be starting our advent reflections and preparing for our celebrations.

Some of the children have decorated a tree to be part of St Mary’s Church Christmas tree festival.  From 10am on Saturday there will be lots of things going on in the church and opportunities to see the trees.  The trees will stay up throughout advent so if you are unable to see the trees on Saturday you can see them another day.

Tomorrow 25th November is non-uniform day.  The children can come in their own, suitable, clothes in return for a donation for the PTA Christmas Fair.  We are suggesting that R,Y1,Y2 & Y3 bring in gifts for the gift stall and the rest of the school bring in chocolate.

This year at the fair the PTA are having a wellies and woollies stall.  If you have old wellies or woollies that no longer fit your children but that still have life left in them; please bring them in so someone else can use them.  You may well find something for your children on this stall.  We are hoping that this green initiative will be very popular.  Woollies can include things like hats, gloves, scarves, jumpers or cardigans.

There will also be a second hand book stall.  If you have some books your children have finished with please donate them to the fair.  There are boxes in the entrance hall where you can put books, wellies and woollies.

All school led clubs will finish on Thursday 8th December.

On Friday 25th November Ospreys will be leading our worship.  As usual I will text you the code word for entry to this assembly.  On Friday 2nd it will be Kite’s turn.

On the last day on term 22nd December we are having our school Christmas Dinner.  This is a lovely occasion when the school eat together.  Almost all the children take part in this celebration.  If your child is not going to have a Christmas Dinner, please let the office know.  If we don’t hear from you we will assume your child will be having a school dinner that day.

On Tuesday 6th December a film company is coming into school to make a film about our arts provision because of our Platinum Artsmark.  The film is being made for The Mighty Creatives and will be used by them to promote Artsmark.  It will most likely appear on their You Tube feed.  Most of the footage of the children will be of them engaged in activities or in the background.  If you do not want your child to appear in this film please let us know.

Stay happy and healthy

Alice Littlehailes

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