

St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,

I am writing this on Wednesday night so I am just assuming that all the children had a lovely World Book Day and that those that came dressed up looked amazing! Your child should be bringing home a World Book Day book token from the book sellers, if they don’t please let us know.

The PTA quiz night was a triumph enjoyed by all. Thank you to everyone who helped and supported this event especially our quiz master Mr Quirk.

The girls did very well at football on Friday winning 3 matches and drawing 1. They play again this Friday.

The children who came to Education Sunday were fab! They sang well and read their prayers with real feeling. I was very proud of all of them.
Tomorrow Friday 3rd March is the PTA film night. It is immediately after school, so children can stay here and go to the film from class. They can bring in their £1.50 and go from class to the film night. The event finishes at 5.15 and children can be picked up from the hall door. The ticket includes a drink and some popcorn.
On Monday 6th the Harriers are going to Gamesley Primary School to take part in a Dixieland workshop. They are meeting there with their clarinets at 9.00. They will be getting a coach back to school in time for lunch.
I am sure you have all realised that Merlin’s Assembly on Friday has been cancelled; however Kestrels will be leading Friday assembly on 10th March do join us if you can.
If any of you have any spare or old underwear, tight or socks suitable for Key Stage 1 children we would be very grateful for it as our supplies are much diminished.
There is a PTA meeting on Wednesday 8th March 7.30 at the cricket club. Everyone is very welcome please do come along.
I hope you are enjoying the online payment system. I know there have been some teething problems for some people. If it is not working for you please let us know and we will try and solve the problem for you.
Alice Littlehailes


St Luke’s Newsletter
Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a good, if wintery week off. It is lovely to see everyone back. Miss Byron hasn’t come back yet as she has had an operation. Everything went well and she is hoping to be back in a few weeks. Whilst she is off Mr Warburton is stepping into her shoes, the heels really suit him. He knows the children well so their learning will continue as normal.
The first week back has been a busy one. Our representatives have attended the High peak Kids Council and come back with a long list of things for the Pupil Parliament and me to do. Being part of PEGS has given our children so much already.
Some children have enjoyed a workshop with The Northern Ballet. They all joined in and produced some lovely movements. The staff then gave up their Wednesday evening to attend their own workshop at Buxton Opera House to help develop their dance teaching. All this is part of the preparation for the Peak Dance Festival. The Merlins and Ospreys are preparing their dances to perform on the stage at Buxton Opera House on Monday 20th March. Tickets for this are available from Buxton Opera House Box Office.
Tonight at 6pm is the parents meeting for Eagles in preparation for their trip to Whitby.
Tomorrow, Friday 24th February the Eagles are visiting Glossopdale. They are meeting at the Hadfield site with their PE kits at 9.10 and will then walk back to school for lunch.
The Girl’s football league starts this Friday, we hope all the girls participating enjoy it.
Friday is also the PTA quiz there are still tickets available from the school office.
On Sunday the choir are taking part in the Education Sunday service at St Luke’s Church. If they could meet us there in uniform at 9.45. The service should finish at about 11.15.
Next week the Eagles will be walking across to St Philip Howard School for a visit on Tuesday 28th, again they will need their PE kits.
It is World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March if your child would like to come to school dressed as a literary character they can but they do not have to.
Friday 3rd March is the PTA film night. The PTA have reviewed the event following the first film night and this one will be straight after school so children can stay at school and go to the film. The event finishes at 5.15 and children can be picked up from the hall door. The cost will be £1.50 on the door. The ticket includes a drink and some popcorn.
On Monday 6th the Harriers have been invited to Gamesley Primary School to take part in a Dixieland workshop with their clarinets. Watch this space for details.
I finally have the date for the last INSET day of the year Monday 24th April. Sorry it has taken so long I have been waiting for trainers to get back to me.
Alice Littlehailes


Dear Parents,
I cannot believe half term is almost upon us! Where is this year going?
I need to raise again issues around drop off and pick up times. These times of the day are very tricky, a lot of people are using the same space in different ways and everyone has somewhere else to be so they are hurrying and distracted. These times are therefore the times our children are most vulnerable. Please can everyone be extra vigilant, drive extra slowly and park extra considerately. The times I am talking about are not just about the normal school day but also out of school activities. There was a near miss on Disco night when a child was almost run over. At the moment I allow parents cars into the car park for club pick up events but am considering the wisdom of this. I would welcome anyone’s thoughts.
The disco was a very successful night raising £382, thank you to everyone who helped.
I am very pleased that we have managed to organise I trial of online payments starting after half term. If you have not received the information about this please ask for another copy.
Today is bug busting day when we try and clear the school of head lice. Your child should be bringing home a detection comb and a letter about this. I am looking forward to seeing lots of lovely shiny hair tomorrow as everyone will have had their hair washed and checked.
If you are paying music teachers for lessons please try and send the correct amount as they often do not have change and neither do we.
Tuesday was internet safety day and the whole school has been learning about how to stay safe online. The internet is a wonderful thing but like anything we have to learn to use it safely. Out of the fabulous discussions the children have had some things have emerged I think you need to know about. Children are playing games such as Call of Duty without their parents knowing. Some children are using gaming platforms which pose some risks:
Roblox allows you to create your own games or play games others have made and chat online to other players. Children like it because it is fun, entertaining and creative. It is risky because players are open to inappropriate comments and are essentially sharing information with strangers. and are free social media music apps where users can watch user generated lip sync video, and create video themselves lip-syncing or dancing to music. Children like it because it is fun and easy to use and share. Risks include 18+ content, interacting with strangers, potential bullying and inability to be private – even videos from deleted accounts remain on the public database.
All social media apps pose risks. Be very aware of, Kik, Snapchat, Whisper and Yik Yak, all of which encourage the sharing of personal information with people users don’t know. The NSPCC Online Safety website is an excellent source of further information.
Have a lovely half term see you on Monday 20th February.
Alice Littlehailes

Pamper Night – Click on the flyer for further details

The St Lukes Pamper Night

Click the Flyer for full details

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