
Newsletter 11 (14 March 2013)

Dear Parents,
As ever this week has been busy, busy, busy in school. The older children have been immersed in all things Tudor. They are loving finding out about this period in History. Henry VIII is proving to be a big hit despite his ‘behavioural difficulties’. The younger children have been exploring all things castley. I understand Cinderella, her sister and a prince came to visit school. The children showed real care and concern for Cinderella offering to give her the clothes they had grown out of and even offering her a bed in their house. Everyone has been polishing their poems ready for performances this afternoon.

Kites have been preparing an assembly for this Friday we hope you can join us.

Tomorrow is Red Nose Day, the children are very excited about coming in their pyjamas and making maltesers fly.

It is disco night tomorrow Key Stage One superheros at 4.45-5.45 Key Stage Two 6-7.

ICT club has now finished until after Easter. Other school led clubs will be on next week but not on the week beginning 25th March due to Parents Evenings. Letters about Parents Evenings came home this week if you haven’t had one come into the office to ask. Please note the days are Monday and Wednesday this time due to finishing for Easter on Thursday 28th.

The raffle tickets to win One Direction Tickets and other wonderful prizes are going really well. If you need more just ask. Remember all ticket stubs need to be back in school by 20th March. The raffle will be pulled as part of the Easter Afternoon tea on Friday 22nd March. On that afternoon you are invited to join us for afternoon tea and cake. The children will also get a drink and a cake for £1. This is one of our big school fundraisers.

You should have had a flyer about a Family British Sign Language taster course on Thursday 21st March here 3.30-5pm. This is an opportunity for you and your children to learn a new skill together. If you are interested please let the office know by Monday 18th.

Wednesday 20th is Bag 2 School collection day. You send in your old shoes, bags and textiles they collect them and send us a cheque. We received £140 yesterday for the last collection.

If you haven’t yet registered to be part of Derbyshire’s Big Deals yet do. It is a way of trying to reduce everyone’s fuel bills. Just go to or phone 01629 533365 to find out more.

Derbyshire needs more foster carers and adoptive parents. If you might be interested in finding out more about this vital work call 0800 08377 44 or go to

There are a lot of items of lost property in the spare classroom, if your child has mislaid anything do look there, or send them to look there.

Finally Parents are not permitted to use the staff car park at the beginning and end of the school day. A few parents are putting everyone’s children’s safety at risk by ignoring this rule, please park off site.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 10

Dear Parents,

This week the Year 5s have had a wonderful trip to Whitby. They arrived back yesterday tired but elated. They had learned a lot about history and about working in a group away from home. The staff were very complimentary about their behaviour and we are all very grateful to them for enabling us to offer this experience to the children.

This week you should have received class photo proofs and raffle tickets. Any orders for the class photos need to be in by Friday 15th March. I have been told there will be no problem selling the raffle tickets as the top prize is One Direction Tickets, the children are all very excited about them. If you need any more they are available in the office.

Remember we are closed tomorrow as it is an INSET day.

Next Friday is Red Nose Day the charities department of the Pupil Parliament have decided everyone should come into school in their pyjamas and bring a donation for the privilege. The donation needs to be of at least £1. The organisers tell us £5 will pay for: a mosquito net that will prevent malaria or an inoculation. Please be as generous as you can. In order to increase the fun I am setting the children a ‘make a malteser fly challenge’. You may have seen the recent Red Nose Day adverts by maltesers in which people find lots of different ways of making maltesers fly, if you haven’t they can be seen on the internet. The challenge for the children is to come up with the most inventive or amusing way of getting a malteser airborn. They should bring their ideas, and anything they need to demonstrate it, into school on Friday.

Kites are leading our family assembly on Friday 15th March do join us, at just after 9am, if you can.

On Friday 15th March the Year 5s have been invited to Glossopdale for the morning. They would feel uncomfortable wearing pyjamas at another school so I suggest they bring their PJs to change into when they get back.

As if that was not enough excitement for one day Friday 15th March is also the day of the postponed disco. Key Stage One at 4.45-5.45, Key Stage Two at 6-7.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 9

Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a good week last week. The drier weather is making everyone feel better.

Tomorrow all of Key Stage Two will be out of school on their trip to Bramall Hall. The children need to remember to bring packed lunches.

There will be no family assembly tomorrow.

Next week is a very busy week:
the Year 5s are going to Whitby for a residential. Remember the coach leaves at 8.30am.
Joyce Ellis (director of Kinder Children’s Choir) is coming into school to run a choir workshop.
The Ospreys are going to Glossopdale School for a dance workshop in the afternoon.
It is Messy Church after school.
The Year 5s return from Whitby
It is World Book Day. Bay Tree Books are coming into school to run a book stall where the children can use the voucher they will have been given towards a book. They have agreed to run the stall from 8.30 so parents can look at books with their children.
The Merlins are leading our family assembly, because of the above this will be at 2.45. The change of day is because of…..
INSET Day. School is closed for the children.

The following Friday 15th March it is Red Nose Day. The Charities Department have asked that everyone comes in their Pyjamas!!!!!

I have been asked to tell you about a wonderful sounding concert on Sunday 3rd March 3pm Glossop Parish Church. It is called Tales in Music and includes ‘Peter and The Wolf’. This should be a really good family friendly concert. Tickets are available from Baytree Books or Peak of Health.

It is Fairtrade Fortnight at the moment. Remember to bring in your items for the Fairtrade Magazine.

During Fairtrade Fortnight Glossop shops are going topsy-turvy for Fairtrade
Can you spot the items which are out-of-place
Clue: Look for the Fairtrade Zone logo
Clue: Look along the High Street from Shrewsbury Street to Norfolk Square (don’t forget the side roads e.g. George Street)

Find all items and enter the Prize Draw
Pick up an Entry form at the Co-op, the Library
or Bay Tree Books during Fairtrade Fortnight
Closing date Friday 15th March

I hope the children are all learning their poems. Some, I know, can already say every word.

Alice Littlehailes

Newsletter 8

Dear Parents,

We have had another busy week with enthusiastic children taking part in lots of learning experiences.  Monday saw the Ospreys trip to the Art Gallery.  They came back buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm for what they had seen and done.  Not only that, a dragon visited assembly.  Tuesday saw the world premier of ‘The St Luke’s Suite’ as Kites Class shared the work they had done in music with Mrs Ford.

Tomorrow, Friday, the Kestrels and Peregrines will be leading our assembly, the snippets I have heard already have been great.

We finish for half term on Friday, back to school on Monday 25th February.

Tuesday 26th February the PTA are holding a meeting at 3.30 in school.  If you can come to this please do as we need as many people as possible to bring their ideas to your PTA.  Children are welcome.

Wednesday 27th February is class photo day.

March 1st is the Key Stage Two trip to Bramall Hall.  This is a fantastic opportunity to immerse themselves in Tudor life.  If you have not yet sent in a permission slip please do as without a slip your child will not be able to go.

Monday 4th March the Year Fives are heading off to Whitby on a History and Geography basedresidential.  The activities sound great.  We are all looking forward to hearing all about it when they get back.

World Book Day is 7th March.  Bay Tree Books have agreed to come into school to run a book stall where the children can use the £1 book token they will be given.  These tokens are given to all children by the countries booksellers.  More details to follow.  We won’t be dressing up this year as Red Nose Day follows the week after and I am sure the children will want to do ‘something funny for the money’.

I recommend you put 14th March 3.30 – 5 in your diaries as we have been offered a family learning session on British Sign Language.  I will send out more details and a booking form as soon as I am sent them.

If you are looking for something to do at half term Glossop Fairtrade Group are running a Magazine competition.  Children are asked to produce something to put in a Fairtrade Magazine.  Submissions should be on a Fairtrade theme, and could take a variety of forms eg news articles, artwork, puzzles, wordsearches, crosswords, recipes, jokes, cartoons, short stories, poems, or interviews with a local Fairtrade campaigner, supermarket manager or shopkeeper. The Fairtrade group will select from all submissions a range of items to be published in the magazine.  If you bring in any submissions we will send them on to the Fairtrade Group.

The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester is running half term activities around Steam, Sweat & Sewers – a look at how Victorians lived.

During the snow over the last few weeks a pair of shoes has accidently been taken to the wrong home. They are a practically new pair of black girls shoes size 10½ with pink dollies in the soles.  If you find them please send them in to school. 

Alice Littlehailes

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