St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter
Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a good week last week. We have returned to one of the very exciting weeks with Halloween on Monday and Bonfire Night on Saturday. I hope you are able to enjoy both events in whatever way suits your family.
Thank you to all the parents that helped make the PTA Disco such a success. The children had a great time. Also thank you for your generosity, the disco made over £500.
As you know we have had a request from Educade a charity working in Sierra Leone that we support to send some Christmas Shoe Boxes for the orphans they work with. Each shoe box needs in it:
- Soap ● Toothbrush ● Pens/ Pencils ● Notebook ● Hair comb (not brush) ● Water bottle ● A gift of your choice (under £5).
Please can the boxes be in school by Monday.
I am pleased to let you know that Steven Davies has been appointed as the new Parent Governor.
Before half term you were sent the photo proofs for your child. You can order prints online. If you want to send your order back through school, you need to bring the proofs and the money into the office by 17.11.22.
We understand that there is an annoying glitch in the running of See Saw when you have more than one child in school. You can only get alerts for one of them. Mr Holt has a solution but it is not straightforward. If you would like his help to remedy this problem email school and he will help you.
The PTA Christmas Fair is fast approaching. The committee are beginning to work on cunning plans for it. If you have any good ideas or want to offer to help, please email
Next Friday 11th November Y6 will be leading our Remembrance Day Collective Worship. I will text out the code word that morning to their parents.
We have poppies for a donation, and other Royal legion items priced between 50p – £2, available in school.
If you haven’t sent in the money your child raised for the Glossop jog yet, please can you as soon as possible.
Stay happy and healthy
Alice Littlehailes