Archive for November, 2023

Newsletter 17/11/2023

St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter

Opening eyes, hearts and minds


Dear families of our St. Luke’s children,

It has been another busy week here at St. Luke’s.  On top of all of our usual endeavours, Year 3 have been to offer their support to the Hummingbird Project in Glossop, Year 2 have had a trip out to watch Frozen Junior at Glossopdale High School and everyone who should have had their flu immunisations has now had the chance to have them!

A message from our Pupil Parliament

Dear Parents

We are writing to let you know that we shall be having a stall at the Christmas Fair to raise money for some special days in school.  If you are able to donate anything (reasonable condition & working) that we could sell on a second-hand stall we’d be very grateful.

Thank you

School Parliament

Christmas Festivities

We have sent the letter out about the Year 1 and 2 Christmas play.  Please make sure you return your slips as soon as possible so that we can allocate seating.

Don’t forget it is our Christmas Fair on December 1st starting at 5pm.  We look forward to seeing you all there.  We have a non-uniform day next Friday (24th November) where the children can come dressed in whatever they would like (sensible clothes only please – no dinosaur costumes or similar, I’m looking at you Mr Groarke!) In exchange for wearing non-uniform the PTA are asking for donations of bottles of things – wine, fizzy drinks, shampoo etc. etc.

Kestrel’s Nativity

Our reception class are putting on a nativity show for the parents/carers on Monday 18th December at 9.15am.  We only have capacity for 2 audience places per family due to Health and Safety constraints.  We’ll send out ticket letters for this on Monday.

Christmas Carol Service St Luke’s Church

We are hoping to set up a parents/carers choir to sing a carol at the service on the last day of term as we thought it would be lovely for the children to see their parents/carers singing for them.  We know this won’t appeal to everyone but we will send out a Google Form next week to see who is interested.

World Diabetes Day

Thank you to all who took part in World Diabetes Day.  It was lovely to see the event embraced by so many.  The school raised £237.39 for the National Diabetes Society on that day.  Thank you very much for your generosity.

Wishing you all a restful weekend.

Mrs Rogers

Newsletter 10/11/2023


St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter

Opening eyes, hearts and minds


Dear families of our St. Luke’s children,

Welcome back from your half term holiday.  We were very glad to see all of our children back safe and sound and they’ve clearly all had a good break and are pleased to be back in school and ready to learn.  Our Year 5s had a great time at the Glossopdale dance session and did a great job as ambassadors for St. Luke’s. I am very proud of them all.

Year 3 Classroom

We have moved our year 3 classroom from their original space into what was the Questionarium (non-fiction library.). We felt that the space that the children were in wasn’t as good as it could be so we made the decision to convert the library space into their new classroom.  They are so much more comfortable in there and they are significantly less disrupted by people travelling through their learning space to access other parts of the school.  A big team of parent volunteers have helped us to create the new KS2 library space.  This work is ongoing but we hope to have everything completed within the next couple of weeks.

Flu Immunisations

The immunisations team is back in on Tuesday 14th.  All remaining vaccinations (non-injections) will be carried out on that day.

World Diabetes Day

We are taking part in World Diabetes day on Tuesday 14th November.  We would love it if your child would come to school wearing something blue and with a small donation so that we can raise some money for the National Diabetes Association.  We have now (and had previously) children in school who have the condition so it would be lovely to show them that we support them and other children who have diabetes.

Glossop Jog

If you took part in the Glossop Jog, please can you bring your money that you raised into school next week?  The Rotary Club are keen to finalise the amount they have raised for their charity.


Year 2 are off to watch Frozen Junior at Glossopdale on Tuesday next week.  If your child is in Year 2, they will be back in time to have their immunisations so don’t worry.  They will be walking to and from Glossopdale so we have asked for some volunteers to help us get the children there safely.  I am sure they are going to have a great time.

Wishing you all a restful weekend.

With best wishes

Mrs Rogers

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