St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Wow another busy week had by all! Sport relief day went well with super socks, clever costumes and sporty students. Key Stage One enjoyed sport and fitness activities whilst Key Stage Two got stuck into a House netball and football tournament. Despite the cold, and it was cold, everyone had a great time. I cannot give you a figure as to what we raised as we are still counting the pennies but thank you for your generosity.

The girls football team went from that event to their league matches where they won every game. Well done to them. Also well done to the rugby team who won the Glossop tournament and will now represent the cluster in the High Peak final.

The Merlin’s performed at Buxton Opera House on Monday as part of The Peak Dance Festival, they were superb. I was so proud of them for their poise, courage and togetherness. They performed as a class proud of who they are. I know all the staff who went had Goosebumps watching them.

The Kites and the Harriers pulled out all the stops with their production of Hoodwinked they had the audience laughing and cheering and booing – in the right places! We all thoroughly enjoyed their performance and are still singing the songs.

After our Easter Service and Easter Raffle and Tea we finish for the Easter Holiday. The children will return on Monday 11th April. Clubs will restart on Monday 18th April.

The Eagles trip to Whitby is fast approaching now and there was huge excitement at the meeting last night. I can tell the children are feeling a little nervous but very excited at the same time.

If you are looking for something to do over the holiday I know The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester has a lot of exciting things planned.

We have unfortunately had complaints from one of our neighbours about parking. They say people have been parking in the flats carpark and letting their children run round their garden. The final straw was that someone parked in their disabled car parking space yesterday and when they were politely asked to move refused and came into school to watch the performance. This is not acceptable behaviour. That is private property and it is the same as parking on someone’s drive and letting your children run round their garden please be more considerate.

Dinner money for next term will be £68 until half term and £132 to summer.

I know you have been waiting to find out when the last two INSET days of the year are, I am sorry for the delay but I have been waiting for outside trainers to confirm dates. The school will be closed to the children on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th July.

I hope you all have a lovely Easter, thank you for all the support you have given school this term.

Alice Littlehailes