St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

What lovely weather the children are having for the Whitby trip. They spent yesterday afternoon studying the beach – so jealous. The latest report is that all is well and a good time is being had by all.

Huge congratulations go out to Sophie and Lilly Belle whose thank you letters have got through to the final of a national competition. Congratulations also to Amy, Jayden, Jonah, Olivia and Arthur who’s letters made it to the semi-final. We are proud of you all.

Well done to our aqua splash team who had a great time taking part in fun races yesterday. I received great reports from staff and pupils.

I hope to see lots of you tonight at the PTA meeting 7.30 at Harvey Leonards.

Tomorrow 22nd The Osprey’s Class will be leading assembly do join us if you can just after 9am.

On Friday afternoon we will be welcoming the National Touring Opera who will be performing Laika the Spacedog to the older children. This is the story of the Russian Sputnik 2 which was the first to put a dog in space. This fits in so well with our work on Tim Peak’s work in the International Space Centre.

Next Thursday 28th Swimming Starts for the children in Harriers.

The hall is now back in action so as well as us being able to host Friday Family Assemblies we can also welcome the toddlers back. It was lovely to see them on Tuesday. If you have a pre-schooler or know someone who does do join the group on Tuesday between 9-11.

We have a number of scooters which have been left at school. If your child’s scooter is at school please could you collect it and take it home.

The summer sports are gearing up if you are interested in tennis Glossop Pyegrove Tennis Club runs classes most weekday evenings for everyone 5 and upwards. If you would like to find out more contact Mark Beaver 07786386418, . If cricket is your thing the very popular Friday Night Coaching is starting on 29th April 6.45-7.45 at Glossop Cricket Club this is open to children from Reception to Y6. Just go along that night to register.

Junior Bake Off are looking for children keen to take part between the ages 9-19 if your child is interested I have more details. The application form is available at the closing date is Sunday 1st May.

Alice Littlehailes