St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed your Bank Holiday weekend.

The weather was so bad on Friday that the Tag Rugby was postponed we think it will now be on Friday 13th May. Hard to believe as I look out on this lovely sunny morning.

Tomorrow Peregrines will be leading our morning assembly do join us if you can.

The Eagles have had a busy week they were invited to St Philip Howard School yesterday, and had a lovely time. Tomorrow they are going to Glossopdale. The children are to meet at the Hadfield site reception at 9.15.

You may have seen due to popular demand the PTA quiz is back on Friday 13th May. Tickets are just £3. For a further £3 you can order a fish supper if you would like to. No need to worry if you haven’t got a team they are often assembled on the night. No need to worry if you are quizzing’s Eddie the Eagle it is an evening where we can get together and have some fun. Please come if you can. Tickets are available in the office.

Next week is SATs week when the Year 6 pupils take some tests which are sent away to be marked. The Year 2s have tests which we can take at any point in May and mark ourselves. The Year 2 tests just act as part of the evidence for the teacher to make a judgement about where they are at. You may well have heard a lot in the press about the problems with the tests this year, accidently leaked papers and stressed children. This is because the curriculum has changed and so the tests have changed. The tests have been made harder and a lot of technical grammar terminology is now included. Please be reassured that we work very hard to help our children be as relaxed as possible about the tests. They are intended to be a snapshot picture of where the children are at in part of their education, not something that consumes all of the children’s learning for the whole of the year . They are intended to be taken with some preparation to learn how to take a test not having spent a year taking practice tests. Our children know how to take the tests but also know that they make up a very small part of their learning and that we value the whole of them, those bits that are tested and all the things that aren’t. Please help your child to keep the SATs in perspective – they will be over for Y6 by Thursday lunchtime. Have a lovely weekend with them enjoying normal weekend stuff, don’t even mention SATs. Make sure they get plenty of sleep and have a good breakfast. The Year 2s hopefully will not even realise they are taking tests.

Alice Littlehailes