St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

Firstly welcome to the parents of our children joining Reception in September, you have now been added to our weekly newsletter circulation list. I hope you enjoy finding out more about what we are doing. We are all looking forward to getting to know you.

Huge congratulations to Lily Belle and Sophie who went down to Birmingham University yesterday to attend an awards ceremony because their Thank You Letters has been shortlisted. They had a great day and most importantly the lunch was lovely with lots of cake! We are very proud of them.

A massive well done to Year One whose film about The Lord’s Prayer won the Diocesan competition and won the whole school a story telling day.

Thank you to Glossopdale who welcomed the Year 5s on Friday. They all had a lovely morning.

The PTA quiz has been postponed until the autumn as many people were busy at cricket. I know lots of our families really enjoy Friday evening cricket training for the children turning it into a social occasion.

The Family Fun Day has been beset by date problems the new date clashes with Glossop Carnival so plan Z is this; we will hold the fun day after school on Friday 17th June incorporating Scoot and Skate. Do stay we are hoping to have food and games and a bouncy castle. People can go from fun with us to cricket having had tea! Everyone is welcome with or without scooters. I hope the children joining us in September will be able to come along. More details to follow.

Next week is our Take One Picture Week when we devote the week to the National Gallery Project.

If you ordered plants from our plant sale remember pick up day is Thursday 19th May from the playground.

Alice Littlehailes