St Luke’s Newsletter



Dear Parents,

Remember today is plant pick up day if you ordered any. Thank you to Mrs Killick for organising this.

As you know we have welcomed Ofsted in to school this week. Thank you to everyone who engaged with them on parent view or in the playground.  Once we have their report I will share it with you.  The inspectors did say that the children were a credit to the school – you should be feeling very proud of them.

We have had a lovely Take One Picture Week this week the children have really engaged with the painting.  I know the elephants were very popular.  We are looking forward to seeing how other schools have responded to the picture on Friday morning.




Next week is Science Week when we will be celebrating science in many different ways. We have a number of people who work in science visiting school on Monday sharing work with the children.  On Tuesday a Zoologist is working with children across the school. Thank you to the PTA for funding this.  On Wednesday Peregrines and Ospreys are going to Manchester Museum and on Thursday Kites, Harriers, Eagles and Merlins will be going.

On Friday 27th The Harriers will be treating us to a clarinet concert in assembly just after 9am.  Do join us to enjoy finding out just how much progress they have made.

On Friday 27th we finish for half term.  School restarts on Thursday 9th June.  If the weather is appropriate we will be having Sports Day at 1.30pm on Friday 10th June.

Alice Littlehailes