St Luke’s Newsletter



Dear Parents,

We have enjoyed another busy week. Last Friday was Gratitude Day when everyone who came into school put a leaf on our gratitude tree to say what they were grateful for.  If anyone else would like to add a leaf it is in the entrance hall.  The Tag Rugby team were in the county final and came fourth.  They should be very proud of themselves for being the fourth best team in the county.  As if all of that was not enough we rounded off our Take One Picture Week with a celebration of work with the Glossop cluster in the morning and a school celebration in the afternoon.

This week has been Science Week. On Monday we welcomed a number of scientific parents into school to work with the children.  Thank you to all the parents who joined us.  The children loved the day and learned a lot about science.  On Tuesday we had a zoologist in school who inspired the children about dinousours, rocks and fossils and evolution.  Thank you to the PTA for funding this.  Wednesday and Thursday saw visits to the Museum of Science and Industry.

Well done to our cricket team who played well on Wednesday and may be through to the High Peak Final we are just waiting for the final result.

On Friday 27th The Harriers will be treating us to a clarinet concert in assembly just after 9am.  Do join us to enjoy finding out just how much progress they have made.



On Friday 27th we finish for half term.  School restarts on Thursday 9th June.


If the weather is appropriate we will be having Sports Day at 1.30pm on Friday 10th June.


On Thursday 9th June we are having a meeting for the parents of our new reception class at 7pm.

Alice Littlehailes