St Luke’s Newsletter



Dear Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed a lovely half term break.

Thank you to the children in Year 4 who wowed us with their clarinet concert on the last day of term. They have all come on so far with their playing.  They will be playing with The Halle Orchestra on Thursday 16th June.  They need to be in school by 8.15 on that morning.

We are hopeful that Sports Day will go ahead on Friday afternoon. We are aiming to start at 1.30.  We are having an Olympic themed event so, as you know, the children can come wear a t-shirt in the colour of the country they are representing.  We do not want you to go and buy anything especially their ordinary sports kit is fine.  The children do not need anything other than their PE kit as we provide everything else they need.

The PTA summer fund raiser is almost here. It is on Friday 17th June straight after school.  It will include scoot and skate, an inflatable slide, beat the goalie, a treasure hunt, coconut shy and face painting.  Please come along and support this event.

I am delighted to be sending you a copy of our Ofsted report. It says so many lovely things about the school and your children.  It is a testament to the hard work by the staff, governors, pupils and parents over the last few years.  Thank you for all your support.

Dinner money for this half term is £64, £2 a day £10 per week.

Alice Littlehailes