St Luke’s Newsletter


Dear Parents,

The last day of June, this year is flying by!

This week has been RE week with the children wrestling with big questions about belonging and the world we live in. Everyone has been very impressed with the thought the children have put into it.

Every afternoon this week we have been welcoming the children joining us in Reception next year. It has been lovely to meet all the children we have met so far and we are looking forward to meeting the rest. All of them are invited to come to school next Tuesday at 11.00 for a story and to stay for their lunch. The Year 5 children are also excited about this because they will meet the child they are buddied with and have lunch with them.

Clubs next week. There will be no ICT or Film club next Monday 4th or Science Club on Tuesday 5th as the leaders all have to be somewhere else at those times.

You should have received a letter about some classes being affected by the national strike called by the NUT. If the strike goes ahead, as looks likely, Peregrines, Ospreys, Kites and Harriers will not be in school. The other classes Kestrels, Eagles and Merlins will still be in school and the new reception visit will still go ahead.

Thursday and Friday are staff training days when the school is closed to the pupils.

The next bag2School collection is fast approaching. On Monday 18th there will be a collection of all unwanted textiles e.g. clothes, shoes, curtains etc. If you are going to have a clear out please bag up your unwanted items and bring them to school on that morning.

The parents of Y5&6 pupils should have received a letter about tickets to our summer play Hagbane’s Doom. If the letter has not made it home let us know.

The summer concert is on Tuesday 12th 7pm at which the choir and other musicians will be performing. I know the instrumental teachers and Mrs Hillier have been hard at work practicing. There are no tickets for this event just turn up on the night and support the children.

Tomorrow July 1st the Kestrels are leading our family assembly.

Parents of Y2-5 you should have received a letter about fruit for next term. If you would like your child to have a piece of fruit every morning you need to return the slip and money by Friday 15th. As the fruit needs to be pre ordered we cannot guarantee fruit for anyone returning the slip after this date.

Alice Littlehailes