Dear Parents,
Well done to all the children and adults who took part in the Glossop jog on Sunday. We had 53 runners who ran 413 laps between them! I know an amazing job done by all. Now everyone needs to collect and return their sponsor money as soon as possible. If you still have a running number at your house please could you return it as The Rotary Club would like them back.
The Year Six children returned from Whitehall yesterday having had a lovely time. We were so lucky with the weather. All of the children were proud of themselves for what they achieved across the three days they were away. We are very grateful to the staff who gave up their time to make this happen for them.
Parent’s evening is fast approaching. We are providing opportunities for you to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their progress on Wednesday 19th or Thursday 20th October. Letters are going home tonight. When you fill in the slip to say which time bands would suit you the more options you can give us the easier it is for us to accommodate everyone. We will then liaise between classes so families have appointments near to each other and give you an appointment.
We had one nomination for parent governor so I am very pleased to announce that Claire Sproulle has been elected to represent you.
The children have become very interested in Tearfund’s project to support an area in Uganda. Over the next few years the local community would help raise funds to train project workers to help the community find solutions to the problems they face. The school has decided to hold a cake sale next Thursday, 13th October, at morning playtime. If the children who would like to bring in small cakes we will sell for a donation. I would suggest that a donation of 30-50p would be appropriate.
Friday 14th is a busy day it starts with Peregrines leading our assembly, do join us if you can. In the afternoon the girls in Y3&4 are going to a football festival at Glossopdale and the day rounds off with a PTA Disco.
Can I just remind parents of children in Years 3-6 that dinner money is £2 a day (£10 a week). It needs to be paid in advance. Some people are building up quite a lot of debt and the local authority policy is any amount over £30 can be referred for legal action. I do not want to have to refer but school cannot afford to carry a large amount of money owing for dinners. Please keep up to date with dinner money. If you are experiencing any problems please let us know so we can try to help.

Alice Littlehailes