Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone for supporting the cake stall for Tear Fund. As you know the money is going to support development work in a region of Uganda. We will continue to support this work over the next few years and hopefully find out more about the region.
The disco was a sparkly success on Friday. Thank you to everyone who helped organise it or supported it. Not only did the children have fun but £500 was made towards providing the ‘extras’ in school. If you are interested in contributing to the conversation about how PTA money could be spent the next meeting is on Thursday 3rd November, time and venue to be confirmed.
This week is Thank Your Vicar Week. We are very grateful for the work the whole ministerial team do in Whitfield Parish. They actively support the work of the school and enrich the children’s experiences, so thank you to them.
On Friday the Kestrel’s will be leading our assembly first thing. Please join us if you can. Peregrine’s will be leading the assembly on Friday 4th November.
We finish for half term this Friday 21st October and school will reopen on Monday 31st October. As a half term treat the PTA will be selling popcorn in the playground at the end of the day.
The first week back after half term is school meals week, during this week we are launching a new project. Each class will plan the menu for one day of the week and choose which day it will be on. Mrs Howe and the catering department have agreed she will cook the special meal for the whole school. We start with merlin’s menu on Thursday 3rd November when dinner will be lemon chicken or vegetable stir fry. I do hope everyone will support the children and try a dinner on that day. If your child normally has packed lunches and would like to have a dinner that is no problem if they just let us know and bring in £2. Dinner money up to Christmas is £74. Please pay for dinners in advance.
On Tuesday 1st November the Kestrel’s class are going to see the Halle Orchestra’s production of The Rainbow Fish.
There have been a number of reports of head lice in school. Please could everyone be vigilant about checking heads weekly and can long hair be tied back. Lice spread through hair to hair contact so tying hair back just reduces this contact. It is also difficult to work if your hair is falling between you and your work.
I hope you all have a lovely half term.
Alice Littlehailes