Dear Parents,
Here is the newsletter on proper newsletter day.
We have already had a busy week. The Kestrels had a very exciting trip into Manchester to watch The Halle Orchestra’s production of The Rainbow Fish. Not only did they have the excitement of travelling on a coach they also got to listen to world class musicians bring the story to life. All this and a picnic lunch!
The Kites and Harriers had a visit from Sarah Salam who came in to talk about the Muslim faith as part of this term’s RE week. We are also going to have visits from some of the Whitfield parish team. The Kestrels are going to have a good explore of St Luke’s Church.
Last night our Prime Minister, Deputy and Chancellor attended an awards ceremony in Buxton to receive our Gold Games Mark. It was a very lavish event with entertainment and a buffet! The children represented us very well.
Today the cross country squad will be taking part in the High Peak final. We hope they have wings on their feet.
Today is also the Merlin’s Menu. I am really looking forward to lemon chicken or stir fry, though how I am going to choose between them I do not know. Next week it is Eagle’s menu on Friday 11th. If your child is normally on packed lunches and would like to try a dinner on that day just let us know.
Ospreys are leading our Assembly on Friday. Do join us if you can. On Friday 11th Merlin’s will be leading the assembly.
The football league starts this Friday after school. The team are all excited and ready to go.
Next Thursday 10th November the staff are having some training on science teaching. Thank you to all the children in Harriers who have offered to come and help with this. They will finish at 4.45. Due to this training there will be no afterschool clubs on this night.
Friday 11th is also Year 4 Sleep Over. Huge excitement!

There is a PTA meeting tonight 7pm in the upstairs room in The Oakwood. The PTA film night is fast approaching! Keep Friday 18th free. It starts at 5.30 – 7.30, The film is Secret Life of Pets. Tickets will be available from the office they are £3 which will include refreshments.

Alice Littlehailes