Dear Parents,
We have had a busy few weeks, thank you to the children from Harriers who stayed after school and helped with the staff training on science. The staff got a lot out of the session. The footballers have made a good start in the league, they are unbeaten at the moment. They play again this Friday so good luck to them.
We have now had three of the special class dinners and I must say the children are excellent at choosing a menu. Next week it is Kite’s menu on Friday. As always if your child normally has sandwiches but would like to have a dinner on that day that is fine. If you just let the office know and send in £2.
Thank you to everyone who sent in textiles for our bag to school collection it raised over £55 for school fund.
We were lucky enough to welcome the National president of the NUT to school on Wednesday. She visits lots of schools all over the country. She was effusive in her praise for the school, the children and the work they were doing. She quickly picked up on how engaged the children all are and the clear progress they are all making. She was particularly impressed with the year one children’s understanding of what they were doing and why and the vibrant working atmosphere across school.
We have started practicing for the Christmas Production with kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys. Performing in a big play like this is invaluable for speaking and listening and performance skills which are some of the skills industry is looking for, however it does take a lot of time and a lot of memory on the children’s part. Performances will be at 2pm on Tuesday 13th December, 6pm Wednesday 14th and 4pm on Thursday 15th.
I am so sorry Year 4 sleep over had to be postponed last week. We will be holding it this Friday after film night, so the children will go home from school have their tea and return with their sleep over stuff at 5.30 if they are coming to film night or at 7.30 if not. I know some children have a football event and won’t be able to return until 8pm and that is fine. Pick up will be at 9am on Saturday morning.
Year 5 are leading our assembly this Friday and Year 3 will be leading it on 25th November. It is always lovely to welcome you to these.
We are in the middle of prime illness season and a number of parents have asked me to clarify the rules. If your child has been sick or had diarrhoea they cannot return to school until 48 hours after the last incident. If your child has been prescribed medicine that they need to take during the school day we will either administer it or help the child as we know it is difficult for you to get in to do so, but we need you to fill in a form to authorise us. I know it can be difficult for some parents to get in to fill in this form so I will look into putting it on the website. If your child needs non-prescription medicines such as cough medicine the same rules apply. Pain relief such as Calpol contains paracetamol so we cannot have bottles in school. If your child needs this type of medicine please bring in sachets and a form. We ask that an adult brings all medicines down to the office except for inhalers which are kept accessible in classrooms. I hope this clears up any confusion.
Tomorrow is Children in Need so come in something spotty, that can be uniform or non-uniform and spots or all spots. Please also bring a donation.
Alice Littlehailes