Dear Parents,
Happy New Year. I hope you all had a good Christmas.
It is lovely to see everyone back after the holiday ready to learn.
The Year 1s are going to start swimming on Wednesday 11th January. They will meet up at the pool on a Wednesday morning. The Year 5s will be starting swimming on Thursday 12th January. Letters and forms will be coming home.
Clubs will restart on Monday 9th January except Gardening club which will wait until the lighter evenings. Cookery Club will be group 2. Mr Warburton is going to start an art and craft club on Tuesdays, it will run until 4.30, for children in Key Stage 2. If your child would like to join this club please let the office know.
The Harriers will be showing us just how much they have learnt on the clarinet by putting on a concert on Friday 13th just after 9am. Please do join us if you can as they would love to perform to an audience.
The next PTA meeting is on Friday 13th at 3.30 in school; please do try to come along.
I will send the dates for the term out soon.

Alice Littlehailes