Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help with Friday toast the rota is now filled. If you might be free in the future we are always looking for new toast makers.
I am sorry the snow caused us to cancel so many things it came down at just the wrong time. We have managed to rearrange most of them. We are still working on Kite’s trip but bikeability day two is happening in two groups one today and one tomorrow. The clarinet concert is now on Friday 10th February.
We had a lovely snowy day in school with lots of work done as well as playing out in the snow.

Last week two of our pupils attended The High Peak Kids Council for the first time. This is held in the very grand council chamber at New Mills Town Hall. The children enjoyed the meeting and have brought back some work for us to do around dog fouling and anti-bullying week. This collaborative work is the advantage of being part of PEGS, a group of schools in this area who work together to ensure your children get the best education they can.
The PTA quiz has been postponed to Friday 24th February as it clashed with another event. I hope lots of you will be able to come to this popular event.
Remember the PTA disco is happening on Friday 3rd February 5-6.30pm. The theme is story book and film characters. The children can come dressed up or not.
The staff have been working with Manchester University looking at science teaching and how to help all our children think scientifically. We have looked at the impact of this work and are very pleased with what we are seeing. There is a real buzz about science around school and the children are asking questions and seeking to understand the world around them. I was privileged to see all the children engaged in science lessons enjoying what they were learning.

The Peregrines are leading our Assembly tomorrow 20th and Kites on the 27th, do join us if you can as the children love an audience.

Alice Littlehailes