Dear Parents,

We have had another busy week with enthusiastic children taking part in lots of learning experiences.  Monday saw the Ospreys trip to the Art Gallery.  They came back buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm for what they had seen and done.  Not only that, a dragon visited assembly.  Tuesday saw the world premier of ‘The St Luke’s Suite’ as Kites Class shared the work they had done in music with Mrs Ford.

Tomorrow, Friday, the Kestrels and Peregrines will be leading our assembly, the snippets I have heard already have been great.

We finish for half term on Friday, back to school on Monday 25th February.

Tuesday 26th February the PTA are holding a meeting at 3.30 in school.  If you can come to this please do as we need as many people as possible to bring their ideas to your PTA.  Children are welcome.

Wednesday 27th February is class photo day.

March 1st is the Key Stage Two trip to Bramall Hall.  This is a fantastic opportunity to immerse themselves in Tudor life.  If you have not yet sent in a permission slip please do as without a slip your child will not be able to go.

Monday 4th March the Year Fives are heading off to Whitby on a History and Geography basedresidential.  The activities sound great.  We are all looking forward to hearing all about it when they get back.

World Book Day is 7th March.  Bay Tree Books have agreed to come into school to run a book stall where the children can use the £1 book token they will be given.  These tokens are given to all children by the countries booksellers.  More details to follow.  We won’t be dressing up this year as Red Nose Day follows the week after and I am sure the children will want to do ‘something funny for the money’.

I recommend you put 14th March 3.30 – 5 in your diaries as we have been offered a family learning session on British Sign Language.  I will send out more details and a booking form as soon as I am sent them.

If you are looking for something to do at half term Glossop Fairtrade Group are running a Magazine competition.  Children are asked to produce something to put in a Fairtrade Magazine.  Submissions should be on a Fairtrade theme, and could take a variety of forms eg news articles, artwork, puzzles, wordsearches, crosswords, recipes, jokes, cartoons, short stories, poems, or interviews with a local Fairtrade campaigner, supermarket manager or shopkeeper. The Fairtrade group will select from all submissions a range of items to be published in the magazine.  If you bring in any submissions we will send them on to the Fairtrade Group.

The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester is running half term activities around Steam, Sweat & Sewers – a look at how Victorians lived.

During the snow over the last few weeks a pair of shoes has accidently been taken to the wrong home. They are a practically new pair of black girls shoes size 10½ with pink dollies in the soles.  If you find them please send them in to school. 

Alice Littlehailes