Dear Parents,

This week the Year 5s have had a wonderful trip to Whitby. They arrived back yesterday tired but elated. They had learned a lot about history and about working in a group away from home. The staff were very complimentary about their behaviour and we are all very grateful to them for enabling us to offer this experience to the children.

This week you should have received class photo proofs and raffle tickets. Any orders for the class photos need to be in by Friday 15th March. I have been told there will be no problem selling the raffle tickets as the top prize is One Direction Tickets, the children are all very excited about them. If you need any more they are available in the office.

Remember we are closed tomorrow as it is an INSET day.

Next Friday is Red Nose Day the charities department of the Pupil Parliament have decided everyone should come into school in their pyjamas and bring a donation for the privilege. The donation needs to be of at least £1. The organisers tell us £5 will pay for: a mosquito net that will prevent malaria or an inoculation. Please be as generous as you can. In order to increase the fun I am setting the children a ‘make a malteser fly challenge’. You may have seen the recent Red Nose Day adverts by maltesers in which people find lots of different ways of making maltesers fly, if you haven’t they can be seen on the internet. The challenge for the children is to come up with the most inventive or amusing way of getting a malteser airborn. They should bring their ideas, and anything they need to demonstrate it, into school on Friday.

Kites are leading our family assembly on Friday 15th March do join us, at just after 9am, if you can.

On Friday 15th March the Year 5s have been invited to Glossopdale for the morning. They would feel uncomfortable wearing pyjamas at another school so I suggest they bring their PJs to change into when they get back.

As if that was not enough excitement for one day Friday 15th March is also the day of the postponed disco. Key Stage One at 4.45-5.45, Key Stage Two at 6-7.

Alice Littlehailes