

Dear Parents,
Thank you for your generosity, we raised £211 for comic relief last Friday.

Both Merlins and Ospreys had a safety talk from the fire service and should be talking to you about having escape plans and smoke alarms.

Osprey Class are leading the assembly on Friday, everyone is as ever welcome to join us.

Tomorrow sees the Easter Afternoon tea and the draw for the raffle, the number of people who have told me they are winning the One Direction Tickets is amazing. The tea starts at 2pm with the raffle drawn at 2.45 and the hall clear for Gymnastics by 3.30!

Next week is parents evening on Monday and Wednesday so there will be no Film, ICT or Key Stage One clubs. Gardening will still be on, on Tuesday.

It is our Easter Service in church on Wednesday. It would be lovely if you could join us. It will start as soon as we can get the children registered and across from school. The PTA will be providing refreshments for any of you that are able to stay.

On Thursday my diary says ‘Masked Ball’ for the children in Key Stage One. I am not sure exactly what is happening but I have my ball gown ready. Watch this space for more details.

We finish for Easter on Thursday 28th at the normal time. The PTA will be selling popcorn after school.

Key Stage Two children should have brought home a letter about fruit for next term. If your child would like to have fruit please return the letter by Wednesday 27th.

We come back to school on Monday 15th April.

Alice Littlehailes