

Dear Parents,

Our Big Write Week last week generated lots of interesting letters and stories. Poor Sam, shipwrecked on an Island needed lots of help from the children. The responses the children made included really thinking out where Sam could be, what Sam needed to stay alive, good questions for Sam and ideas of how Sam could be saved.

The Kites have been very busy practicing their map reading skills by orienteering around school. They were set the challenge of finding their way around the grounds and solving Maths problems to prove they had found the right place. A huge amount of fun was had by all.

I have loved watching the islands designed by Eagles and Merlins slowly emerge. Changing from a paper design to a 3D model. It has been a bit like watching a volcanic atoll emerge from the sea.

I am a little concerned because if I walk through Key Stage One I am frequently confronted by pirates! Luckily the parrots are being quiet and not stopping the children learning. If the pirates of old had been as industrious and cooperative as our children they would have ruled the world!

Friday is a very busy day. PAS are running an African Skills Day for the children. Your child should have brought home a sponsor form. PAS are going to teach the children some games and skills they picked up in Africa and try to raise a little money to help the families they met there. All the children will take part but if your child is able to be sponsored by one or two people it would be great. Please can they bring their sponsor form in tomorrow.

Friday also sees a PTA meeting after assembly do stay and have a drink and take part if you can.

The Year 6s will be taking part in some First Aid training on Friday afternoon so need to have any long hair tied back and be wearing suitable clothes.

On Monday 29th the younger children will be having a Zumbatonic taster session. Please don’t ask me exactly what it is but it sounds very healthy.

It is Messy Church on Wednesday 1st May after school in the hall. I know it is becoming more and more popular with the children, there was a fantastic turnout last time.

Friday 3rd May Kites Class are leading our assembly.

I am afraid that head lice have been spotted by a number of parents this week. Please can you check your children’s hair for lice and treat them if live lice are found. If you would like any information about the treatment of head lice there is a leaflet in the entrance hall produced by the school nursing team.

If you would like to order any of the gorgeous plants from the PTA orders need to be in by Friday 26th. The hanging baskets I had last year looked great for months.

Please see the attached dates for the term. As ever there will no doubt be changes.

Alice Littlehailes

26th African Skills Day
First Aid Training
PTA 9.30
29th Zumbatonic

1st Messy Church
6th Bank Holiday – school closed
8th Sing at St Mary’s for 8 children
13-17 SATs Week
16th PTA Plant Pick up in the playground
17th Peregrine’s Assembly
Pamper Night
23rd New Parents Meeting
24th Take One Picture Assembly 2pm
Finish for half term

3rd Back to school

7th Kite’s Assembly
10th Maths challenge at Glossopdale
13th Pupil Forum
21st Eagle’s Assembly
25th Governing Body Meeting
29th PTA Summer Event – a new event in our calendar

4th Last Swimming session
9th Sports Day
11th Kestrel’s Assembly
Reserve Sports Day
12th INSET Day – School closed to children
15th Summer Production dress rehearsal
16th Summer Production early evening
17th Summer Production afternoon
18th Summer Production early evening
19th Leavers Do
22th Summer Disco
23rd Leavers Assembly
Finish for summer at normal time.