

Dear Parents,

On last week’s newsletter a said there would no doubt be changes to the dates list well…. Kite’s Assembly is now on Friday 7th June not this Friday which will just be me! I missed Osprey’s Assembly off the list (well spotted by some eagle eyed parents) it will be on Friday 28th June. I am sorry about both changes and forgetfulness.

The summer sporting calendar is starting to get filled with Girls Football this week and both Cricket and Rugby next week and Cross Country on the 16th. We often do not hear about sporting events until quite close to the date but we will try to give participants parents as much time as possible. We have been trying to get as many pupils involved in cluster sporting activities as possible this year, selecting as many different people as possible to represent us. I am always so impressed with the good behaviour and good sportsmanship of our children when they attend cluster events. They encourage all their own team mates and recognise and applaud the work of other teams.

The PAS Africa Skills Day was enjoyed by all the children. Thank you so much for the support you gave to this event. If you have any outstanding sponsor money please can it be sent into school as soon as possible so we can pass it on to PAS.

Tickets for the PTA Pamper Night are going fast so if you would like to attend this very popular evening on Friday 17th May get your tickets soon.

I am sitting writing this looking at a lovely sunny spring morning, let’s hope it stays this nice for the Bank Holiday Weekend this weekend. The only down side to this lovely weather is lost jumpers. Please put your child’s name in their jumper so when they take it off and leave it somewhere we have some hope of reuniting jumper and owner.

Reception class are now getting changed for PE more so please can you send them in with pumps, shorts and a t-shirt.

The opportunities for budding thespians in Glossop are growing. I have been asked to pass on the information below about a new drama club. Judging by the delight shown when I tell the children we are doing drama it will be very popular.

Little Stars Play Theatre club for 4-6 year olds. Trial month in May..starts this Sat!! £15 for 4 Saturday morning sessions 10-11am at the Partington Theatre. A fun hour of games, team building, making friends, developing confidence and self esteem through drama, role play, storytelling and much more. To book a place call penny on 01457 852281

I hope all of you getting a long weekend enjoy it, and those that don’t survive it.

Alice Littlehailes