

Dear Parents,

All the sporting events are going well the girls enjoyed the football on Friday, and we are through to the county finals of the Tag Rugby – admittedly because only two teams wanted to take part in the High Peak but still a great experience for our children. They will be travelling down to Ilkeston on Friday 24th May. Letters will be coming out to the team soon.

The children who took part in the cluster singing event at St Mary’s yesterday had a great time and were a credit to you all.

Next week is assessment week brightened by a cross country event on Thursday 16th, the PTA Plant Sale pick up on Thursday 16th and Peregrines leading the assembly on Friday.

As if all of that was not enough it is pamper Night on Friday 17th. If you have not yet bought your ticket I would recommend doing so soon, last year it was a sell out event.

The week after, 20-24th May, is our Take One Picture Week. All the staff are looking forward to working with the children in a creative way. You are invited to join us for a celebration assembly on Friday 24th at 2pm to look at some of the work the children have done. There will be no morning assembly that day.

As the nicer weather seems to be beginning the Gardening Club are starting to see the fruits of their labours. The sensory garden is looking lovely with lots of wild flowers in amongst the grass. The new fence around it has made all the difference. Now the flowers are not being trampled they are able to flourish and grow. The children are now working on the willow structures, if any of you are skilled willow workers and able to help us with tidying the top of the two structures we would be very grateful. The children in gardening club would like to ask you to encourage your children to treat our field and grounds with as much respect before and after the school day as they are expected to do during the school day.

Alice Littlehailes