

Dear Parents,

I have two big thank yous for you all. Firstly thank you for supporting the African Skills Day we raised £497.52. This is enough to provide 5 standpipes, bringing clean water to hundreds of people. The second thank you is to the PTA for organising, and to you for supporting, the fantastic Pamper Night. It was a great night enjoyed by all and raised £750 for school. I know lots of you put a lot of effort into making this event an enjoyable night and a great showcase for the school in the community.

The Take One Picture Week is going really well. The children are all engaged in creatively developing their learning. We have had children exploring Art History, colour, painting styles, water, boats, sculpture, factories, drama, film making, food, France and many other things. The children have worked collaboratively both within their class and across classes. The talking, thinking and learning that the children have been engaged in has been wonderful to see. We are sharing some of our work with each other tomorrow at 2pm you are very welcome to join us. We may all be a little squashed for this event but it should still be interesting.

The Rugby Team will be missing the sharing of work because they will be taking part in the County Finals – Good Luck to them and to the Girls Football team who will be playing on Friday Night.

We break up for half term on Friday. The PTA have organised a Popcorn sale for after school. Popcorn will be 50p or £1.

We come back to school on 3rd June all ready to get stuck into work and preparations for Joseph. Dinner money up to the summer is £68.40 (parents of Year 6 pupils remember to take off the days they are visiting their new schools).

That first week back is as busy as ever with a Pupil Parliament Meeting on Wednesday, Messy Church after school on Wednesday. A Premier Sports Day on Thursday – all children need their PE kits in school that day. Kite’s Assembly on Friday and a Girls Cricket Tournament on Friday.

One of our parents has let me know Manchester University Faculty of Life Sciences is holding a community open day on Saturday 6th July. It sounds fantastic with lab tours, live animals and insects, face painting, playing with DNA and building molecules from medicine. It sound like a great opportunity to look round part of a local university and find out more about what they do. If you would like more details about where it is just ask me.

Messy Church is on Wednesday 5th June in school 3.30 – 5.00. They are planning to make a giant collage of Joseph’s Coat, design thumb print family and friends have drinks and snacks and enjoy being together. If you would like to come along everyone is welcome. Children need to be accompanied by an adult.

Alice Littlehailes