

Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a good week when the children were off, summer having arrived has made a real difference. If you want to send in sun cream for your child that is fine. They need to be able to apply the cream themselves. Please send it in in a labelled bottle. If you could remind them not to give the cream to others that would be a help. A named sunhat can also be a help.

Both the Rugby team and the girls cricket teams were a credit to the school on that wet and wild Friday. The children reported enjoying the events.

The children today have been enjoying sports. The younger children have been doing multi-sports and the older ones fencing. If your child has enjoyed fencing and wants to take it up I know a fencing club meets in Whaley Bridge Tel: 01298 812206.

Kites will be leading our assembly tomorrow do join us if you can.

On Monday some of our Year 5 & 6 children will be going to Glossopdale for a Maths Team Challenge. We hope they all enjoy this.

The PTA is meeting at Glossop Cricket Club on Wednesday 12th June at 7.30. It would be great if as many people as possible were able to come along to this meeting. One of the things we will be discussing is the Summer Event on Saturday 29th June 4-7. This is going to be an afternoon of games and activities with a BBQ. It is the first time we have run an event like this so if you have any great ideas do let us know.

We have changed the date of Osprey’s Assembly from 28th June to 5th July. This is because some of the class will be getting back very late on the 27th and may not be up to then running an assembly.

I know I keep reminding people but there was another near miss in the car park this week. Please use the paths and side gates to come in and out of school and also please do not bring vehicles into the car park at drop off and pick up time. If you see the main gates open it would be a great help if you could close them.

Alice Littlehailes