

Dear Parents,

School feels like a very busy place at the moment with preparations for Joseph, summer sporting events and the children hard at work. It has been a week when I have felt very proud of the school as a number of people have commented favourably on the children. At the Primary Maths Challenge on Monday the cooperative and collaborative way our children work was praised. At Girls Cricket and during the Premier Sports Day the excellent behaviour of our children was commented on. An external examiner for Manchester University was in school on Monday, looking at the students we have been working with. She took me on one side to tell me what a happy school it was with children enjoying their learning. Not only that Janice Gullan, a local authority consultant, wanted to let me know how keen the children are to do well. I wanted to pass these comments on to you not to show off but because these are lovely things said about your children.

Over the next few weeks lots of exciting things are planned. Eagles class are starting rehearsals for a sing together project organised through Glossopdale School.

We are starting work with some of the students from Glossopdale who are visiting Sri Lanka. They will take some of our school’s work with them to the school they link with and bring back something for us. We are putting together a Day in The Life of a St Luke’s School Pupil in words and pictures so do not be surprised if odd moments in the day are photographed.

Friday 21st June Kestrels and Peregrines are going to the Theatre in Buxton and then spending time in the Park. If you haven’t yet sent back permission for your child to go on this trip please do so.

Theatre trips must be like busses because I was told by an eagle eyed parent that Joseph was being performed at Stockport Plaza. I managed to secure enough tickets for all of Key Stage Two (Kites, Eagles and Merlins) to attend on the afternoon of Wednesday 3rd July. The PTA very kindly offered to pay for the transport so keeping the cost down to £8.50 a head.

Eagles class are leading the assembly on Friday 21st June, please join us if you can.

Mrs Smitham, one of our parents who is an Ofsted rated Outstanding Child minders, has one space available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and two spaces available before school Monday – Thursday. If you are interested in any of these places either speak to Mrs Smitham in the playground or come in to get her phone number.

Alice Littlehailes