Dear Parents,
What a week this has been! Such excitement:
The children representing Ospreys went to Birmingham to the Thank You Film Awards. We didn’t win the top prize but we saw the whole class on the big screen and were one of the top 5 Primary School Films. The children were delightful and everyone we met was kind and helpful making the whole occasion memorable.
Saturday was the Summer Event which everyone who attended said was great. Even the sun put in an appearance. Thank you to the PTA for organising this fun family extravaganza.
Yesterday the children in Key Stage Two went to see Joseph at Stockport Plaza. Every child was enraptured. When I looked around at the children they were all grinning from ear to ear eyes fixed on the stage. They all showed real respect to the actors by not singing along until the right point. Three different groups of adults stopped us to say how well behaved our children were. Thank you to all of you as PTA members for paying for the transport to this event.

Next week is also shaping up to be a big one:
Friday 5th July Ospreys leading our assembly
Tuesday 9th July Sports Day. We are aiming to get started for about 1.30
Thursday 11th July Kestrels leading our assembly
Reserve Sports Day
Friday 12Th July INSET Day School Closed for the children.

It will be the last ICT, Film, Gardening and Key Stage One clubs next week.

The performances of Joseph are fast approaching if you have not yet sent in your ticket request letter please do so soon. We are not going to be able to allow any filming of the performances of Joseph as this requires a special license. As ever we will have lots of photo opportunities at the end of the performances.

There will be popcorn on sale this Friday 50p or £1 as there was some left at the end of Saturday.

If your child is considering taking up a musical instrument next year can I urge you to do it now. The rules about charges are changing for new musicians from September. At the moment the hire of the instrument is free but from September this will be charged for. If you would like further information about the music tuition available contact the school office.

I have been asked to let you know about two family learning courses available at the Glossop Adult Education Centre during the summer holidays. Bird Feeders and Bug Houses 9.30-12.30 for 2 Tuesdays starting on 25th July. Mosaics Tuesday 30th July 9.30-2.30. Both are free call 01457 852245 to book places.

We have just been informed that there will be an increase to the price of school meals from September. A child meal will cost £1.95 a day £9.75 a week.

Good luck to our rounders players who have a tournament on Friday.

Alice Littlehailes