Dear Parents,

Welcome back for a new school year. I hope you all had a good summer. It is lovely to see the children all excited and ready to learn.

The clubs run by the school, rather than PAS or Gymnastics, will start the week beginning 16th September. There should be a letter coming home tonight about what is on offer this year. There have been some changes.

On Tuesday 17th September we are holding our annual Parents Information Night at 6.30pm. The theme this year is Maths as the parent’s questionnaire alerted us to the fact that you would like more information about how Maths is taught. The Information Night is an opportunity to explore a theme and also to meet your child’s class teacher and find out a little more about what will be happening this year.

We will be starting Friday Toast again tomorrow. The children can bring in 20p and have a Friday treat of toast. The PTA organise a rota of lovely people who give up an hour to help make the toast. If you might be able to help please let us know, the rota is very short of volunteers.

The staff have reviewed our Relationships and Sex Education in the light of the latest guidance. Our policy is to use correct scientific terminology for body parts throughout the school. The children start to learn about changes that happen to their bodies as they grow older in Key Stage Two. Formal Sex Education happens in Year Six. If you have any questions about this do not hesitate to come in.

On Friday 13th September the PTA is having a welcome gathering after the family assembly which happens every Friday at 9ish. If you are new to the school or new to the PTA please come along, have coffee and cake and meet some other parents. If you are unable to come to this but would like to find out more about the PTA just let us know and we will put you in touch with a regular member.

In an effort to save you money we have arranged for Tesco to supply our logoed school uniform. There should be leaflets coming home today to explain how to go about ordering it. Please let us know what you think once you have used this service.

Can I remind you that Dinner Money went up to £1.95 a day £9.75 a week it should be sent in a named envelope at the start of the week. You can pay for dinners weekly, monthly or half termly. Cheques need to be made payable to DCC.

Attached should be the dates for this term, as ever these are correct today but may change!

The term dates for this year are:
Thursday 24th October Finish for half term Monday 4th November school restarts
Friday 20th December Finish for Christmas Monday 6th January school restarts
Friday 14th February Finish for half term Monday 24th February school restarts
Friday 11th April Finish for Easter Monday 28th April school restarts
Friday 23rd May Finish for half term Wednesday 4th June school restarts
Wednesday 23rd July Finish for summer Monday 8th September school restarts
There are two INSET days still to be allocated.

Yours Sincerely
Alice Littlehailes

Dates Autumn 2013
Monday 9th New Reception Start
Tuesday 10th Toddler Group Starts
Friday 13th PTA welcome meeting
Monday 16th Clubs start
Tuesday 17th Parents Information Night 6.30pm
Friday 20th Merlin’s Class Assembly 9am
Wednesday 25th Great Derbyshire Roast Dinner Day £1.95 for a school dinner
PTA AGM 7.30 at the Cricket Club
Thursday 26th Swimming Starts
European Day of Languages
Friday 27th McMillan Coffee Afternoon
Sunday 29th Glossop Jog
Monday 30th Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys trip
Monday 7th National Curry Day £1.95 for a school dinner
Friday 11th Eagle’s Class Assembly
PTA Quiz
Tuesday 15th Harvest Festival
Edale Parents Meeting
Governing Body Meeting
Thursday 17th Kestrel’s & Peregrine’s Class Assembly
Friday 18th House Challenge Assembly
PTA Disco
Tuesday 22nd Parents Evening 3.45-5.30
Wednesday 23rd Individual Photos
Thursday 24th Parents Evening 4.00-7.00
Finish for half term
Monday 4th School starts
Wednesday 6th Edale Residential Starts
Friday 8th Edale Residential Ends
Friday 15th Osprey’s Class Assembly
Monday 18th Anti-Bullying Week starts
Thursday 21st Harrier’s & Merlin’s School Trip
Friday 22nd Kite’s & Osprey’s School Trip
Year 4 Sleep Over
Friday 29th Kite’s Class Assembly
Thursday 5th Last Swim
Friday 6 Harrier’s Class Assembly
Christmas Fair
Tuesday 10th Christmas Production 5.30pm (Kestrels, Peregrines, Ospreys)
Wednesday 11th Christmas Production 2pm
Thursday 12th Christmas Production 5.30pm
Friday 13th Christmas Dinner
Tuesday 17th Kites & Harriers Party
Wednesday 18th Eagles & Merlins Party
Thursday 19th Kestrels, Peregrines & Ospreys Party
Friday 20th Carol Service
Finish for Christmas
Monday 6th School restarts