
Dear Parents,
It has been so nice to welcome the new Reception Children into school this week. They have all made such a great start you would think they had been here for years. It is our opportunity to welcome their parents on Friday morning when the PTA are holding a welcome meeting, with cake, after the Friday morning family assembly. A huge well done and thank you goes out to the Year 6 pupils who have looked after their buddies so well.

There have been closely fought elections in school this week. The Year 6 pupils were given the opportunity to stand for the posts of Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor of The Exchequer. We held hustings and the children have been very busy electioneering. I have been so impressed by the posters and lapel badges some of the candidates produced. Yesterday was polling day. The children visited a polling station and cast their vote. All the school entered into the spirit of the occasion and took their vote very seriously. The votes were very close but the Returning Officer is pleased to report the following result:
Prime Minister Nina Williams
Deputy Prime minister Olivia Allen
Chancellor Ellie Cunningham

Tuesday 17th September 6.30 is Parents Information Night. This is an opportunity to find out more about your child’s new class and the coming year. We also take a topic every year for a general discussion. This year we are going to be looking at Maths. Please do come along if you can. Mr Montgomery will not be able to attend this year but the parents of children in his class are encouraged to still come to the Maths discussion. Mr Montgomery is more than happy to meet any parent who would like to pop in at another time.

This Friday Assembly is the introduction to our new SEAL topic. SEAL stands for Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning it is a programme of work that helps children understand and talk about their emotions and feelings. We have been using these materials for two years and over that time have noticed a change in the children’s empathy and skills to negotiate tricky situations. You are all welcome to join us at the start of the school day. The PTA are holding a get together immediately after the assembly to which everyone is invited.

Friday 20th September Year 6 (Merlins Class) will be leading the Friday Assembly, again everyone is welcome.

I have had a neighbour, from one of the surrounding streets, in to request that people park a little more thoughtfully. He is finding that he cannot get on or off his drive at drop off and pick up time. I know that, like all schools, parking is a problem but please consider the local residents.

We have a bit of a toast problem – there are not enough volunteers to fill the toast making rota this half term, even with some people offering to do two Fridays. If you could spare an hour on one Friday morning please let us know. It would be such a shame if we had to cancel toast.

I have one last, rather strange, request. This term we are all studying Food and Farming and Mrs Hillier would like one or two large old tyres (tractor tyres or similar). If anyone can help us find such a thing we would be very grateful.

Alice Littlehailes