
Dear Parents,

Tomorrow is our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon. You are invited to join us for a drink and a cake from 2.30. We are charging £2 on the door all of which will go to Macmillan Cancer Support. The children will all get cake in their classes, a donation of £1 feels fair. The children have all been busy baking and icing it is just like the Great British Bake Off only stickier.

Sunday sees the Glossop Jog. It starts at 11am. Good luck to all our runners. The PTA are running a refreshment stall so if you feel like going along to support all joggers you can get a drink.

The Key Stage 1 trip to Chatsworth Farm is on Monday. The children need to bring a packed lunch. The weather forecast is looking good but they will still need a waterproof coat and suitable shoes. School Uniform is still needed.

As you know on Tuesday 1st October school will be closed to children due to industrial action. We all hope the dispute can be resolved by then, in which case school will open, but this is looking unlikely.

On Wednesday 2nd October it is Messy Church after school. Flyers have already gone out about this.

Last night it was your PTA AGM meeting, thank you to everyone who was able to attend. The events organised by the PTA are fun and raise a lot of money for the children. Last year the PTA was able to provide lots of things including an Author visit, new staging blocks and a coach to see Joseph. Jane Higginbottom (chair) and Lorraine Smitham (vice chair) stepped down from these positions after many years of work. The effort they have put in has been invaluable. We cannot thank them enough for all they have done for the children of our school and we are very pleased they will continue to help with events. The next PTA meeting will be on Wednesday 6th November 7.30 at The Cricket Club.

The PTA quiz planned for 11th October has been postponed and will now happen in the spring.

We have just a few items of uniform left if anyone needs them: Sweatshirts in 24”, 28”, 32”, medium and large. Polo shirts in small, medium and large and PE shirts in 22/24”, 26”, 32”.

Alice Littlehailes