
Dear Parents,

On Thursday 26th September we celebrated European Day of Languages. The children learned a bit about the culture and language of Spain, Germany and Italy. Food was eaten, songs were sung and flags made.

Thank you for supporting our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon, we raised £418.41

Well done to all our Glossop Joggers, everyone ran lots of laps and a good time was had by all.

The Key Stage 1 trip to Chatsworth Farm was fantastic. We saw cows, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, shire horses and donkeys. The children had a great time and learned a lot.

On Monday our Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor attended the Glossop Pupil Forum. They met with other pupil leaders to talk about the issues they felt matter to the children of Glossop. They discussed parking around schools – they wanted people to walk, earrings and PE/swimming – they wanted people to remember to have their ears pierced at the start of the summer holiday, sports competitions – they want more, after school clubs – they like them, school dinners – they thought they were good. Plus a number of other issues.

Monday 7th October is Curry Day. Mrs Howe has invited all the sandwich children who would like to join in to stay for dinner. Please send in £1.95 in an envelope marked Curry Dinner.

You should have received a letter about our Key Stage Two trip in November. If your child has not brought it home please ask for another.

Glossop Rugby Club has asked me to let you know about their Minis and Juniors training. It is open to all children from Reception upwards. They meet on Sundays 10am at Hargate Hill SK13 5HG. If you would like more information please contact Emmanuel Lioux

We have had to postpone Kestrel’s and Peregrine’s Assembly until Friday 8th November.

There will be no family assembly this Friday 4th October.

Alice Littlehailes