Dear Parents,
It has been a great week for sport this week. The children who have represented us have been a credit to the school. On Thursday and Saturday our runners were in action. On Thursday our cross country teams came first and second. At the weekend our runners took part in an elite competition and two of them came in the top ten, which is amazing. Our Boys Football Team did better than they have done for a while drawing two matches and coming second in another. Well done to everyone involved and thank you to the people who made this possible.

We have had a Health and Safety Inspection recently and the inspector was very concerned about the scooters. Please can they be put carefully under the office window rather than scattered across the entrance.

Eagle’s Class are leading our Assembly on Friday 11th October, please join us if you can.

Next week sees our Harvest Festival on Tuesday 15th October. The children will walk to church from school. The celebration will start at about 9.20/30. You are very welcome to join us.

On Tuesday 15th at 6pm we are holding a meeting for the parents of children going to Edale.

Friday 18th is Disco Day. It is all set to be a strictly glam occasion. The disco starts at 4.45 and finishes at 6.15. Entrance is £1. Food, drinks and goodies will be available to be bought on the night.

You should have had a letter home about parents evenings, if your child hasn’t brought one home yet please let us know.

On Wednesday 23rd October it is photo day. If you would like a pre-schooler’s photo taken with their siblings in school please come along at 8.30am.

Remember the staff are having an INSET day on Friday 25th October when school is closed to the children.

On Saturday 2nd November 2013, the University of Manchester and the Manchester Museum are opening our doors to create a day of Spectacular Science as part of the Manchester Science Festival. Help us create spectacular science at The University of Manchester! Take part in our science challenges – find out why lotus leave don’t get wet, take a journey through the heart, wrestle with plants that bite back, and get curious with some creepy crawlies. Meet our scientists and engineers and take part in hands-on, fun activities throughout the day. People who came last year said “The whole event was such good fun and the hands on stuff was great. We all want to be scientists now!” We hope to see you there! For more information please see

There is also a free FLASH BANG CHEMISTRY! Show taking place on campus.

This event is part of Manchester Science Festival – for full details of all MSF activities, please see

Alice Littlehailes