Dear Parents,

We held our Harvest Festival on Tuesday and the children spoke and sang so well in church. The children throughout school have been learning about food and farming and so were able to talk with confidence about the items you might find in a lunchbox.

Friday 18th is Disco Day. It is all set to be a strictly glam occasion. The disco starts at 4.45 and finishes at 6.15. Entrance is £1. Food, drinks and goodies will be available to be bought on the night.

Next week is Walk to School Week. This happens twice a year. On this week everyone is encouraged to walk to school, or if it is too far park a distance from school and walk. This has even more relevance for us this year as we have just been named and shamed for bad parking by the Police. The police safer neighbourhood emails, that go out to the whole community, have talked about the way people are parking around St Luke’s School. Please can we use this opportunity to really think about how we get our children to and from school and how we can do this as safely as possible.

On Wednesday 23rd October it is photo day. If you would like a pre-schooler’s photo taken with their siblings in school please come along at 8.30am.

Wednesday is also the first of two Bikability days. If your child in Year 5 or 6 has signed up for this remember to bring their bike to school for 8.30.

On Thursday 24th October the children in Ospreys are taking part in a cluster multi skills sports afternoon at Glossopdale. The children will walk there and back as it is on the Talbot Road site. Please make sure they have their PE kit in school for then.

Remember the staff are having an INSET day on Friday 25th October when school is closed to the children. The children will finish for the half term holiday after school on Thursday 24th October.

If you have any Glossop Jog sponsor money still to send in please can this be sent in as soon as possible.

If you have any Morrison’s Gardening vouchers, or know of anyone who has, Gardening Club would love you to send them in. They use them to get equipment to help them keep the gardens looking so good.

It is parents evening on Tuesday and Thursday next week so school afterschool clubs are cancelled. (Film, Gardening, Cookery and Sports).

Alice Littlehailes