St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter
Dear Parents & Carers,
Well the weather has turned hasn’t it. Lots of opportunities to learn about ice and snow. Spring will be on its way soon I am sure after all British summer Time starts in a couple of weeks.
On Friday 10th of March Kestrels will be leading our Collective Worship. It will start just after 9am and I will send out the code word that morning. It will be Merlins’ turn on Friday 17th March.
There is a meeting for the parents of the children going to Whitby on 13th March at 5.30. The link for this meeting has been sent out.
On Monday 20th March the Merlins will be performing at Buxton Opera House as part of the dance festival. They will need to take with them a packed tea. We have been told that there is a child who is extremely allergic to egg also performing. We have been asked to make sure that none of our children bring anything like egg sandwiches, frittata, mayonnaise on sandwiches. We have been told that cake is ok. Thank you for complying with this and making sure this child is kept safe.
On Wednesday 22nd of March the children in Eagles will be going to Glossopdale to watch a performance of Mary Poppins.
A reminder that there will be a PTA EGM on 22nd March to elect a treasurer. This will be a short meeting immediately after school please stay if you can.
There is a Special Educational Needs Support Group meeting at The Vineyard. I am attaching some information about it.
Stay happy and healthy
Alice Littlehailes