St Luke’s CE Primary School Newsletter
Dear Parents & Carers,
I hope you all had a good Easter. It has been lovely to welcome the children back into school.
I hope you have all seen the clubs letter I sent out earlier in the week. I realise that in fact Science and Rugby Clubs cannot start until the week after. Science Club will start on Wednesday 3rd and Rugby club on Thursday 4th May. Sorry for causing confusion.
As you will be aware we are welcoming Mr Millinson into school to carry out our SIAMS inspection on Tuesday. We are looking forward to sharing our lovely children’s achievements with him and helping him understand us as a church school.
I am attaching information from Glossop Music Festival about their concert for children Musical Beasts. It looks very exciting.
Swimming starts next week for the Y1s they come to school as normal and walk up in time for their lesson at 9.30.
I am attaching the dates for this term. As ever dates may change so do keep an eye on the newsletter.
Stay happy and healthy
Alice Littlehailes