Dear Parents,
The children arrived back from Edale on Friday tired and a little grubby having had a fantastic time. They were a credit to school, you and most importantly themselves.

Yesterday was a very sporty day with children at cross country and tag rugby, again the children did us proud. I don’t think any of the children got confused and tried to tackle their fellow runners!

We are all very excited, and envious of the older children and their teachers, because on Friday they are getting to watch a broadcast of a live performance of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s production of Richard II. As if that wasn’t enough David Tennant is playing the title role. I have tried to pull rank and swap classes for the morning but no joy!

This Friday, 15th November, is Children in Need day. We are giving the children the opportunity to dress up as their hero, or bring in a picture of their hero, or act heroically. For this fun we are asking them to bring in donations for Children in Need.

Friday is also the day Ospreys lead our assembly. As always we would love you to join us.

Any photo orders need to come into school by tomorrow.

Next week is another busy week; it is anti-bullying week which is an opportunity to look again at what is bullying, what to do if someone is feeling bullied and how we should all behave so everyone feels safe in school. We are having a big write week which always produces some fantastic writing. As if that wasn’t enough on Thursday 21st November Harriers and Merlins are going to Tatton Park and on Friday 22nd it is the turn of Kites and Eagles. A few children have not brought back their permission slips for this trip yet, without this slip they cannot go. To round the week off nicely the Year 4s are having their Year Four sleep over on the Friday night.

Glossop food bank is very short of food. We have a donation box in the entrance hall under the table. If you have any spare tins or packets all donations are very gratefully accepted.

The Chestnut Centre in Chapel has asked me to tell you about their Christmas Grotto which is open on December 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th, 21st & 24th. Tickets are £7 per child and include entry into the park. If you have never visited the Chestnut Centre it is an otter and owl sanctuary and well worth a visit.

You should be receiving some information about fostering. Derbyshire is very short of foster places, please think about whether or not this was something you could do.

Applications for next year have opened. if your pre-school child will be four by the end of August you need to be applying for their primary school place.

Finally a new date for your diary. There will be an INSET day on Friday 17th January 2014.

Alice Littlehailes