Dear Parents,

Friday was so exciting the children looked amazing dressed as their heroes. So much thought had gone into who they considered a hero. Thanks to your generosity we were able to send over £250 to Children in Need. Thank you so much. That alone would have been an exciting day but it got even better…… David Tennant, the David Tennant, answered a question our children had posed during a live Q&A session.

It is hard to imagine that there could be any more excitement left but the opportunities keep coming. Today and tomorrow the children in Key Stage Two are visiting Tatton Park to support their learning about food and farming in World War Two. On Friday it is one of the most anticipated nights of the school year ‘Year Four Sleep Over’. I am very pleased that almost all of the Year Fours are coming back to school on Friday Night to spend the evening doing activities together, sleep over in the school hall and go home in the morning. This is an invaluable part of our Personal and Social Education and loads of fun.

Next week looks like being a slightly quieter week than this week. Friday 29th is dress down day for donations to the School Christmas Fair. KS1 children are asked to bring in anything chocolatey. For KS2 we’re asking for gift donations for the Wrap Stall, anything from toys, jams, smellies for mum, something for dad. The children can then do their own Christmas shopping for that someone special! Gift donations are coloured themed: Kites, red; Harriers, green; Eagles, silver and Merlins, gold.

The PTA have a slightly odd request…..if anybody has a small fish tank they can loan for the fair (empty I hasten to add!). Could they let Deb Griffiths know (

On Friday 29th November Kites Class is leading our assembly as ever you are very welcome to join us.

Saturday 30th November is Glossop Lights Switch on. Our choir will be performing as part of the celebrations. We are also producing a sculpture for the event on the theme of the community. If you have any pictures of the people and places that are important to your child in our community we would be very grateful if we could borrow them.

If your child is in the school choir and has not yet returned the slip to indicate which events they are available for please do so this week. We may have to pull out of events we do not have enough choristers for and we would need to give the organisers as much notice as we can should we have to let them down.

There will be no ICT club on Monday 25th November.

Alice Littlehailes