Dear Parents,
I don’t know about you but at this time of year time seems to speed up. We will all be moving as fast as Usain Bolt by Christmas.

The Glossop lights switch on was a fabulous event. The children who sang as part of the choir really enjoyed being part of this special occasion. The choir has several other bookings; The Christmas Fair, The Big Sing 3pm on Sunday 15th December at St Luke’s Church, the Christmas tree festival 10am Central Methodist Church Thursday 19th and 6.30 Sunday 22nd at St Luke’s carol service. Please do come along and support them at any or all of these occasions.

The choir will also be singing at our Carol service at 9.20ish on Friday 20th December, as will the whole school. Please do join us and get into the festive spirit.

Next week is the Key Stage One Christmas Production on Tuesday 5.30, Wednesday 2pm and Thursday 5.30. If you have not yet ordered your tickets I would do so soon.

Christmas Dinner is on Friday 13th December. If your child normally brings a packed lunch and would like to join in this wonderful school occasion please let the office know by the end of tomorrow 6th December.

On Friday 13th December the whole school is also attending a concert by professional musicians at Glossopdale. If your child has not yet returned their slip for this please do so as soon as possible. As we will all be out on that morning there will be no Friday toast.

The Party season is almost upon us. Kites and Harriers are having their party on Tuesday 17th, Eagles and Merlins on Wednesday 18th, and Kestrels, Peregrines and Ospreys on Thursday 19th. On the day of the party the children can come in party clothes or bring them to change into at lunchtime.

There will be no Film Club or Key Stage One Club now until January. ICT club will have it’s last meeting on Monday 9th December. Cookery Club finishes tonight. Sports Club will meet next week 12th for the last time until January. Gardening Club has already finished.

The assembly tomorrow will be led by Harriers, do join us if you can.

I have been asked to tell you about an event at The Partington Theatre on Friday 20th 7.30 and Saturday 21st 2.30 & 7.30 December. Glossop Opera is presenting A Christmas Opera Gala in aid of Mummy’s Star. Tickets are available from Bay Tree Books, The Soup Seller or Partington Theatre Bar.

Finally but very excitingly tomorrow is the Christmas Fair, after all the anticipation it is almost here. Doors open at 5.30. There are stalls and games and food and the elves tell me Santa has promised to take time out of present making to come. Book your slot to see him on the night.

Mrs Morris has decided to leave at Christmas. We are delighted for her but sorry for us. She is going to peruse her other interests. If you would like to send in a donation towards a leaving present please pop it in an envelope and give it in to the office.
Alice Littlehailes