
Dear Parents,

We have had a wonderful musical week. On Friday Mrs Hillier worked with all the Key Stage Two children on a singing workshop. The sound they produced by the end was beautiful and a good time was had by all. Then on Tuesday Harriers performed their first Clarinet concert. They sang for us, showed us the rhythm work they have been doing and played for us. Everyone was so bowled over by the standard they had reached after just fourteen weeks of lessons.

The school has felt very Chinese this week with the children learning about Chinese New Year. The Kestrels and Peregrines have set up a Chinese restaurant. I would recommend eating there as the service and food is like nowhere else on earth.

A number of wanted posters have appeared around school if you have any information concerning these miscreants Osprey Class would be very interested!

This afternoon school has been full of archaeologists exploring the interior of an Egyptian Pyramid. I believe they found a skeleton and a number of artifacts.

The Parliament committees met last week and the community committee wanted us all to take part in the Glossop Fairtrade poster competition. Your poster should be drawn on A4 size paper or card. Images can be hand drawn or computer generated. They are looking for a bold, attractive design with a catchy slogan promoting FAIRTRADE and Fairtrade products.
IMPORTANT: on the back of your poster please write your full name, age, school, and home telephone number IN PENCIL (ink may come through your poster and spoil your work). When you have finished your poster please bring it in to the school office. The deadline is Wednesday 12th February.

Remember it is the PTA pyjama party disco on Friday 7th February 5-6.30.

There is no swimming next week or the week after (6th & 13th Feb) as the pool is closed.

Ospreys are leading the assembly on Friday 7th February you are very welcome to join us.

Alice Littlehailes