
Dear Parents,
The children all look great dressed up for world book day today. Thank you for all the effort you put into it. The children should be bringing home a book token today. This is a gift from the booksellers of this country. It can be exchanged for a special World Book Day Book or used as £1 off any book worth £2.99 or more.

The Year 5s are spending tomorrow morning at Glossopdale Hadfield Site. Remember they are meeting there at 9.15 unless you have let us know you need our help to get your child up to Hadfield.

Harriers are leading our assembly tomorrow at the normal time of just after 9am do join us if you can.

The Ospreys have been invited to Glossopdale on Wednesday 12th March to participate in a morning of dance. We will be walking them up to the Glossop site and they will be back in time for lunch. They all need to have their PE kits in on that day.

Our Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor will be attending the Pupil Forum at St. James’ School on Tuesday 11th March. This is an opportunity for representatives from all the Glossop primaries to meet up and discuss issues that matter to them.

We have just been asked to do a huge favour by the elections office. Their usual polling station is flooded and will not be usable for at least six months. As we are part of the local community we have agreed to help out. School will be used for a polling station on Thursday 22nd May. We will use it as our last INSET day of the year. School will be closed to the pupils and the staff will use the day to plan for the implementation of the new national curriculum. I know a Thursday is not the ideal day for an INSET day especially just before half term but I feel this is an unusual situation. At least I hope flooding is unusual.

The Education Welfare Officer is starting to look at the number of pupils who are late. Lates are becoming a big problem at the moment. Pupils have to be in school ready to start learning by 9am. Please help give your child a good start to their day by getting them to school on time.

Class photos are coming out today if you would like a copy of this please return it to the school office as soon as possible.

If you were wondering how the girls did at football last Friday; there were no teams that hadn’t played each other already so instead they had a mixed school friendly. What a lovely way to end a tournament with everyone playing together.

Alice Littlehailes