
Dear Parents,
We have had a very settled week with everyone working hard despite the hour change. It is amazing how long it takes everyone at school to adapt to the hour change in this direction. There are a lot of tired and slightly niggley children in school. I am sure you are experiencing the same at home.

The Year Fives have arrived in Whitby and the last time we spoke they were exploring the beach. It sounds as if they are having a fantastic time and learning lots outside the classroom.

This Friday 4th April the Peregrines will be leading our assembly please join us if you can.

Next week is Parents Evening and most parents have managed to make an appointment. If you haven’t yet and would like to talk to your child’s teacher about how they are doing at school please contact us.

Due to a number of factors including parent’s evenings there will be no afterschool clubs next week.

On Saturday the choir will be singing at a Fair Trade event at New Mills Town Hall from 2pm. Do come and support them. It is a baking event anyone is invited to enter by bringing their baking with the recipe which lists all the Fairtrade ingredients they have used. They should put their name, age, school year and school on the back of the recipe. The Bake-off will be judged during the afternoon and prizes awarded at approximately 4.00pm. You don’t have to be in the choir to be a baker.

Next week is the last week before Easter, we finish at normal time on Friday 11th. On Thursday 10th we are having a House Eggstraodinary Afternoon. We would like the children to bring in a hardboiled egg on that day. Their work will be on display in the hall at the Easter Raffle and Tea.

On Friday it is the Easter Service in church first thing, well as soon as we have registered the children and walked them over to church. Everyone is very welcome to join us. In the afternoon we have the Easter Raffle and Tea. You are invited to join us for cake and a drink whilst we draw the raffle. The children are asked to bring in £1 for a drink and a cake. Please return any sold and unsold raffle tickets as soon as possible.

You will have received a flyer about our annual plant sale. If you would like to brighten your garden with any of the plant on offer please send the order form and the money into school by Tuesday 8th April. At least 30% of the income goes to PTA funds for your children. If you have misplaced your order form there are spares in the office.

Alice Littlehailes