
Dear Parents,

After the end of the school day on last Friday of term we received some very exciting news. Two of the films we entered into the Thank You Film Awards have been shortlisted. The children involved in making these films have been invited to an Awards Ceremony at The Print Works in Manchester. Numbers are limited so we have not been able to invite parents to come to the ceremony and see the film on the big screen. Instead we will show the films in Assembly this Friday 2nd May and after school, about 3.35, on Wednesday 14th May.

We are holding Sports Day next Thursday 8th May. You are very welcome to come and watch. We will start as soon after 1.30 as we can. The children just need to bring their sports kit and a hat should it become very sunny. We will provide everything else they need including drinks.

Thursday 8th May is also plant pick up day. If you ordered any plants from the PTA plant sale they will be available for collection after school.

Remember Monday is a Bank Holiday so although we have only just got back there will be no school on Monday. Easter being late has made this feel as if it has come round very fast.

Remember the PTA Quiz night will be on Friday 16th if you fancy a fun evening with other parents from school do come along.

Parents of children in Reception and Year One have received letters about the new universal free school meals starting in September. Please send these forms back as soon as possible as I have to send information off to The Local Authority. If you have not got your letter there are spares in the office.

I am including this term’s dates in this newsletter, as ever these may change.

Alice Littlehailes

Monday 5th Bank Holiday
Thursday 8th Sports Day 1.30
Plant Pick Up
Monday 12th Assessment Week Starts
Wednesday 14th Thank you Films in Hall 3.35
Thursday 15th Thank You Film Awards
Friday 16th Quiz Night
Monday 19th Walk To School Week Starts
Wednesday 21st PTA Meeting 7.30 Cricket Club
Thursday 22nd Polling Day School Closed
Friday 23rd Take One Picture Assembly 2.30pm
Finish for half term

Wednesday 4th School restarts
Friday 6th Kestrel and Peregrine Trip
Friday 13th Harrier’s Assembly
PTA Scoot and Skate after school
Tuesday 17th Governing body meeting
Friday 20th Kite’s Assembly
Tuesday 24th Clarinet Concert 2pm
Summer Music Concert 7pm (performances by the choir, orchestra and children learning musical instruments)
Friday 27th Eagle’s Assembly

Friday 4th Peregrine’s Assembly
Possible Tour De France Day
Thursday 10th Last Swim
Friday 11th Kestrel’s Assembly
Non Uniform Day for PTA
Saturday 12th Family Fun Day
Tuesday 15th Key Stage Two Summer Production 5.30 pm
Wednesday 16th Key Stage Two Summer Production 2pm
Thursday 17th Key Stage Two Summer Production 7pm
Tuesday 22nd PTA Disco 5-6.30
Friday 18th Osprey’s Assembly
Wednesday 23rd Merlin’s leavers Assembly
Finish for Summer
Monday 8th School Restarts

Term dates 14/15
8th Sept School Starts
24th Oct School Finishes for Half Term
3rd Nov School Restarts
19th Dec School Finishes for Christmas
5th Jan School Restarts
6th Feb School Finishes for Half Term
16th Feb School Restarts
27th March School Finishes for Easter
13th April School Restarts
22nd May School Finishes for Half Term
1st June School Restarts
24th July School Finishes for Summer

There are 4 additional INSET days to be allocated