
Dear Parents,

Not a huge amount to report this week as everyone from Year 2 upwards has been very busy for assessment week. I have been impressed by the good, sensible attitude they have adopted almost everyone has been calm and kept them in proportion. They make up a tiny part of the ongoing assessments we do.

The Year One’s took advantage of everyone else being busy and went to Tescos to explore the shop and the food they stock. I have been told the freezer store is colder than the North Pole. I am looking forward to hearing more about what they found out.

The Police have been into school and asked me to remind you about parking around school. They have received a number of complaints about selfish and illegal parking. They will be carrying out more checks around school. Whilst I am talking about parking I need to remind you again about safety in the school car park. The car park is not available for parents. Children should walk on the path around the car park not across it. If you see someone has left the gates open please could you shut them. All these measures are to keep your children safe not to make life difficult for you. Please comply with them.

I hope you have your tickets for the Quiz on Friday 7.30pm.

There is no family assembly tomorrow and next Friday, 23rd May, the assembly will be at 2.30pm. This will be a sharing of the work the children have done as part of our Take One Picture Week.

Remember school is closed for polling on Thursday 22nd May.

We finish for half term on Friday 23rd May and return to school on Wednesday 4th June.

If your child is in Kestrels or Peregrines and you haven’t yet returned the permission slip for them to go to see The Gruffalo please could you do so as soon as possible.

If your child is in Kestrels or Peregrines and you have not returned the form about school meals next year again please could you as the authority is asking me for the information.

This Sunday there is a Teddy Bears Picnic and Fun Afternoon at Howard Park 2-4pm with face painting, circus skills, art and craft activities and prizes. I hope you and your teddies enjoy it.

Alice Littlehailes