

Dear Parents,

I know it is Wednesday not Thursday but as school is closed to the children tomorrow I thought I would get this newsletter out today.

The Thank You Film Awards were a triumph. The children all had a great time. They were blown away by seeing themselves on the big screen. Not only that but the film made by the Kestrels was awarded second place in the primary category. Thank you so much to Mrs Hillier and Miss Byron for helping it happen.

The PTA ran a very successful quiz night on Friday. The event was enjoyed by all. Captain Quirk was an irreverent and very witty quiz master. The question compilers come up with some challenging questions and the fish and chip supper was tasty. Thank you to everyone who helped make this event possible.

This week we are all loving the Take One Picture Project. The children are encouraged to use the picture selected by The National Gallery to inspire them to take their learning in any direction. We have got cloaks and angels, philosophical discussions and music, job adverts and puppets. If you would like to see some of the work the children have done do join us on Friday at 2.30 when we will be sharing some of the work from each class.

We finish for half term on Friday 23rd May and return to school on Wednesday 4th June.

Remember Kestrels and Peregrines are out at Buxton seeing The gruffalo that Friday 6th June.

ICT club has now finished until September. Mrs Magorrian is moving to Chesterfield and Tom the younger is sailing around Britain so Mr Rank rightly felt it would be best to leave the club until the new school year.

I hope you all have a lovely whit holiday.

Alice Littlehailes