Dear Parents,

My apologies for this being a day late I was experiencing technical difficulties, my computer was crashing after every eighteen words.  I am hoping having had a nights rest it will feel more cooperative.  I hope you had a good week and a bit, the children have all come back full of what they have been doing.

School is in a bit of chaos at the moment as we are having the fire alarm and some of the lighting updated.  The staff and contractors are working together to minimise the disruption.  I apologise for any inconvenience caused during this necessary work.

The other thing causing chaos is the weather.  Girls cricket was cancelled yesterday, I am hoping boys cricket will have gone ahead this afternoon.  Our rescheduled sports day is planned for next Wednesday 11th June.  Fingers crossed the weather improves and the field dries up enough for this to go ahead.  The children don’t need to bring in anything for sports day except a PE kit – some children like to wear a tea-shirt in their house colour if they have one.  Please do not go out to buy one specially.  They do not need to bring a drink as we provide them.

The older children are working hard on the summer production which will be performed at 5.30 on Tuesday 15th July, 2pm Wednesday 16th July and 7pm on Thursday 17th July.  We hope by offering this range of times everybody will be able to see it.

On Friday 13th June the PTA are organising a scoot and skate event.  For once the children will be allowed to use their scooters in the playground.  For an hour after school the children can scoot with their friends.  More details to follow.

Talking of scooters please can the children who come to school on their scooters or bikes leave them tidily under the office window.  There have been occasions when they have made it a little difficult to get into school.  Just to remind you all children are encouraged to come to school on scooters or bikes, but they are not to ride them inside school grounds and school cannot take responsibility for their security.

There is a PTA meeting on Wednesday 11th June 7.30 at the cricket club.  Please come if you can.

Alice Littlehailes