Dear Parents,

It feels quite sad to be writing the last newsletter of the school year. What a good year it has been. It is always such a pleasure to come into school and share in the lives of the lovely young people of St Luke’s. I genuinely feel privileged to do the job I do. Thank you to all the St Luke’s community; pupils, staff, parents, grandparents and friends that make this such a lovely school.

This week has been all about the play. I am so proud of all the Key Stage Two children for their performances. It is the last performance tonight to a packed audience. Please remember to bring your tickets with you as we have no leeway, we will be full to the rafters. Our thanks go to Glossopdale who have lent us a portable spotlight at the last minute.

The older children had a great adventure walk last Friday. I believe treasure was found by all.

The Family Fun Day was a really nice event. It raised £400 for your children. The PTA asked me to pass on this message: Thank you to all the staff and parents for helping at the Summer Fun Day. The PTA would especially like to thank the Communities Committee for organising and running the World Cup Cake stall, which raised £24 toward the final total. Thanks also to Andrew Smitham for his generous donation from the Loom Band Stall.

Rose Glenthon from the Library Service came into school to tell the children about the summer reading challenge. I know this is enjoyed every year by many of our children. A flyer should be in book bags about it.

The orchestra will be performing in assembly on Monday. If you would like to come along and listen you would be very welcome. The orchestra children need to be in school ready to start a rehearsal at 8.30 on Monday.

There was a dog in the playground on Monday. Please can I remind you that dogs and lots of children do not mix. Dogs should not be brought onto school grounds.

Remember the PTA Disco on Tuesday 5-6.30. The last of the year.

If you still owe dinner money for this year please pay it by Monday.

If I don’t see you before we finish, I hope you have a lovely summer and I look forward to seeing most of you in September. Those leaving us I wish you all the best for the future.

Alice Littlehailes