Dear Parents,

Wow what a lot of joggers we had on Sunday!  The Glossop Jog was incredibly well supported by the children from school.  I was so proud of everyone who joined in whether they managed to do two laps or twelve laps.  Now comes the tricky bit – collecting the sponsor money and getting it into school.  Please can you send it in as soon as possible.  If you could get it in by Monday 20th October Rotary would be very pleased with us.

The children returned from Whitehall yesterday muddy and tired but still smiling.  It sounds as if they have had a great time despite autumn arriving with a bang.  I am looking forward to hearing all the stories.  A huge thank you goes out to the staff who went with them giving up their time and sleep.

We have just received an important award.  We have gained ‘The Food For Life Award’.  We are the first school in Glossop to achieve this recognition of our endeavours to encourage healthy lifestyles.  The assessor praised the school meals, the packed lunches the children were eating, the atmosphere, the encouragement of exercise and the fact that healthier choices were encouraged across the school.  We are very proud of this achievement. See more at

Tomorrow Osprey’s Class will be leading our Friday Assembly it would be lovely if you could join us.

Next week we are introducing the new RE curriculum with an RE week.  To share and celebrate the work the children have been doing we will be having our Friday Assembly at 2.30 on Friday 17th October.

Good luck to our Boys Football team who play their first match in the tournament tomorrow.  I hope they enjoy it and play like the great sportsmen they are.

Friday 17th October is the night of the PTA Disco 5.00 – 6.30.  The theme is neon to brighten the darkening nights.  If you don’t fancy coming in something bright just come in your dancing clothes.  Entry is £1 and there will be food and trinkets on sale.

You should have received a letter about parents evenings which are on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd October.  Please send your slip back so we can sort out appointments.  If the letter hasn’t managed to make it home let us know and we can give you another one.

Yours Sincerely

Alice Littlehailes